

「Nagel博士によるICCF-19の概要紹介」で取り上げたInfinite Energyの記事の中に、核変換に関する章があり、思っていたよりずっと多くの核変換実験の結果が発表されていたと知りました。ポスターセッションへ出展したものも多く、実験の信頼度はまだ十分ではないかもしれませんが、多種多様な実験で核変換を追っている人たちがいる状況には大きな可能性を感じますね。


At ICCF19, as at earlier conferences in this series, there were several papers on the results of LENR other than heat production.  Chemical analysis methods were used before and after experiments to gain evidence for transmutation reactions.  They are summarized in this section, starting with two poster papers related to radioactive isotopes.

Vladimir Vysotskii: 海泥(の中のメタン菌)を使った核変換実験(セシウム133⇒バリウム134)

Vladimir Vysotskii from the Kiev National Shevchenko University and three colleagues from Russia studied experimental transmutation of 133Cs to 134Ba in media supporting the growth of methanogenic bacteria from sea sludge. The microorganisms were cultivated under anaerobic conditions at 30°C in an aqueous nutrient medium. Controls had no sea sludge, that is, none of the bacteria thought to add a proton to the Cs to produce Ba. Samples from the cultures were drawn and analyzed at 48, 94, 144 and 192 hours. The data showed a monotonic decline in Cs and monotonic growth of Ba. The rate of transmutation was computed from the data to be about 10-6 synthesized Ba nuclei per second per 133Cs nucleus. That value is two orders of magnitude greater than the team’s earlier experiments with the same system. It is comparable to the rate for conversion of Mn to Fe obtained previously by the group. We note that the transmutation work described at ICCF19 with a non-radioactive isotope of Cs does not guarantee that biological transmutations, presumably due to LENR, can be used to remediate the radioactive isotope 137Cs. However, earlier experiments by this group showed the rate for bio-transmutation of 137Cs to be 10-6 synthesized 138Ba nuclei per second and 137Cs atom.

Leonid Urutskoev: 強磁場での電子殻変形によるアルファ崩壊(ウラン238の減少加速とヘリウム、過剰熱の検出)

Leonid Urutskoev and four co-workers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Prokhorov General Physics Institute reported on the possibility of induced alpha decay in heavy nuclei due to the deformation of electron shells caused by strong magnetic fields. They produced high-current electrical explosions of titanium foils in solutions of uranium salts. Mass, Gamma and Alpha Spectroscopies were used to monitor the results. Depletion of 238U was found to exceed depletion of 235U. 4He was measured in the gas phase, and “significant thermal heating of the explosion chamber was observed.” The authors stated that their results confirmed other experiments at the General Physics Institute in which laser ablation of 197Au nanoparticles suspended in a solution of uranium salts produced similar depletion of 238U. They attribute both results to the strong magnetic fields due to the high currents that exploded the foils. In their view, those fields “significantly distort the atomic shell and thereby initiated the α-decay.”
Low-energy nuclear reactions and the leptonic monopole
Georges Lochak, Leonid Urutskoev

Ubaldo Mastromatteo: シリコンウェハー上にクロムで接着したパラジウム薄箔へのレーザー照射による核変換(O, Al, Si, Kの元素を検出)

In one, Ubaldo Mastromatteo from A.R.G.A.L. in Italy irradiated thin films of Pd on a Cr adhesion layer on a Si wafer in an H2 atmosphere with low power lasers. A 1 mW 633 nm laser and a 3 mW 403 nm laser were employed for the two-week irradiations. The samples were examined before and after the runs with a Scanning Electron Microscope having an X-ray analysis capability. The virgin samples had a few defects due to the evaporation process that produced the Pd films, and showed mainly X-ray peaks due to Pd and Cr. After the runs, the samples exhibited cavities around which “significant percentages” of light elements were observed. Strong X-ray lines from O, Al, Si and K were measured. The results were said to be similar to those of other researchers in “different contexts and with different materials.” If not due to contamination, the “nuclear fission hypotheses will have to be seriously considered.”

Max Fomitchev-Zamilov: 重炭化水素(Kendex 0842という油)からキャビテーションによって窒素と酸素を生成

Max Fomitchev-Zamilov posted a paper entitled “Apparent Synthesis of Nitrogen and Oxygen from Heavy Hydrocarbons: The Case for LENR.” He used 5.6 kg of the oil Kendex 0842, and degassed it at 80°C at 50 µHg for 5 hours to eliminate the possibility of atmospheric contamination.  Then, the oil was subjected to “extreme hydrodynamic cavitation” for some unstated time. That caused the production of 5 gm of N, which out-gassed to form 3.6 liters of gas. The 22 gms of O reported to be formed reacted with the oil to form resins. The author surmised that the production of N and O was due to LENR with addition of protons to carbon and nitrogen, respectively. No radiation or heat production was observed during the experiments. 

A. Gromov: サーマイト反応によるCa(カルシウム)生成

A. Gromov and colleagues from Russia and Italy reported on the formation of Ca in reactions between Al and N in AlFe2O3 thermites. The combustion products from three types of experiments in which Al and N reacted showed “abnormally high concentrations of Ca (up to 0.5 mass %) as determined by Energy Dispersive X-Ray and Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopies. In an experiment in which molten Al was jet sprayed into a N2 atmosphere, the increase in Ca content averaged 600% compared to the starting materials.
The authors posited a nuclear reaction and compared it to the chemical reaction of Al and N. 13Al + 7N gives 20Ca and about 5 x 1028 MeV per mole. This is about 10 million times the chemical energy of burning Al in nitrogen.

Renzo Mondiani:  炭酸カリウム水溶液で銅電極を使った電気分解での検出

Renzo Mondiani from Italy reported on transmutations by an electrolytic cell having copper electrodes. With a “low to medium” concentration of K2CO3, he reported the formation of 32S16 by fusion of two 16O8. However, in a “high concentration” of the solution, he determined that a fission reaction occurred, namely 39K19 – 16O8 → 23Na11. For intermediate concentrations, which reaction dominated depended on the size of the anode. The first reaction was primarily for small anodes and the second for large anodes. The results of the first reaction could be determined visually due to gas volume changes. In both cases, unstated types of chemical analyses were used to establish the reaction products. Those analyses also showed production of Mg, presumably by a fission reaction: 39K19 – 14N7 → 25Mg12.

F. Ridolfi: 鉄の棒に超音波を照射して生じた空洞にK, Cl, Cuを検出

F. Ridolfi from the Universita degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” reported on the results of ultrasound irradiation of iron and steel bars. Damage to the sample surfaces, neutron bursts and observation of unexpected elements resulted from the ultrasound. The cavities were less than or about 10 µm in diameter. K, Cl and Cu were found, and the 63Cu/65Cu ratio was in the range of 0.3 to 1.7, rather than the normal value of 2.2.
Atomic and isotopic changes induced by ultrasounds in iron

D.S. Baranov and O.D. Baranov: ビスマス塩への強電界適用後に様々な核種を検出

D.S. Baranov and O.D. Baranov from a private laboratory INLEAS in Moscow did experiments on application of “strong” electric fields to bismuth salts. They gave the following summary of results, but did not cite the analytical methods employed to determine these values: “The elemental composition of substances emitted from the sample was radically different from that of the initial bismuth salts.
There were found some different elements: carbon (up to 90%), zinc (up to 6%), potassium (up to 2%), calcium (up to 2%) and aluminum (up to 5.5%),” plus tin and titanium in unspecified amounts. The authors interpret these results as evidence for “giant long-lived nuclear molecules” and state further that “It is assumed that in nuclear molecules some nucleon transfers are possible.”



常温核融合を取り扱う科学雑誌Infinite Energyの122号に、「Scientific and Commercial
Overview of ICCF19」と題したICCF-19の概要紹介記事が載っています。著者は、David J. Nagel博士です(Nagel博士は、George Washington Universityの教授であり、常温核融合ベンチャーのNUCAT Energy LLC (nucat-energy.com)を設立したことでも知られています)。



Status of the Field
Start of the Conference
ICCF19 Activities on LENR Commercialization
Excess Heat with Electrochemical Loading
Excess Heat with Gas Loading
Excess Heat from Plasma Experiments
Particle Emission and Impact Experiments
Radio Frequencies in LENR Experiments
Materials Studies
Theoretical Papers: Introduction & Major New Ideas
Theoretical Papers: Continuing Studies
Additional Theoretical Models
Computational Material Science
Data Analysis
Engineering and Applications
Miscellaneous Topics
LENR Academic Research Programs
Other Aspects of ICCF19




ロシアNOWというサイトに、Shafeev博士の放射線低減実験に関する記事が載り、FacebookやTwitterで話題になっています(元記事のURLが変わったようです。新しいURLは ここ です。魚拓は ここ にあります)。


Posted by ロシアNOW on 2015年7月16日



  • 「放射能を中和」: 「放射性物質を無害化」と書いた方が良かったと思います。「中和」とは全く別の事象なので。
  • 「一部の放射性元素は、特殊溶液中でレーザーに露光すると、すばやくかつ簡単に中性化することが判明した」: これも「中性化」ではなく、「無害化」または「非放射性元素へと変換できることが判明した」と書いた方が良かったと思います。
  • 中性バリウム」: おそらく非放射性のバリウムのことだと思います。セシウム137は、ベータ線とガンマ線を出して、バリウム137に変化します。
  • 「物質の減衰速度は化学的環境すなわちその原子の外殻電子に依存する。ナノ粒子が局所的にレーザー電磁場を強化できるおかげで、我々が電子配置を変えられることは明らか」: これは意味が分かりません。「局所的にレーザー電磁場を強化できる」は、おそらく局在表面プラズモン共鳴を言ってるのだと予想しますが、他の主張が良く分かりません。
  • 「土壌へのレーザー浸透力はマイクロメーターで測定されるため、これを使ってチェルノブイリなどの陸上で放射線を中和させることはなかなかできないだろう。」: おそらく、「土壌へのレーザーの浸透力はマイクロメーターレベルに限定されるので、これで陸上の放射能を低減させることは難しいだろう」と言いたかったのだと思います。

  • 「ゲオルギー・シャフェエフ所長」
    ⇒ Shafeev博士を「シャフェエフ博士」と読めば良いことが分かって助かりました。
  • 「発見は実験所でレーザー照射によるナノ粒子生成の実験が行われていた時に、偶然起こった。溶液中の金属から、ナノ粒子は文字通り叩き出される。研究者はさまざまな金属と溶液で実験した。研究チームが放射性トリウム232の溶液中に金を浸したところ、溶液はナノ粒子の生成とともに、放射線を放出しなくなった。」
    ⇒ この現象を発見した経緯が明らかにされています。どうやら、金属のナノ粒子を生成する実験をしていた時に、たまたま放射性物質の溶液を使った際に、放射線低減が起こったのがキッカケのようです。
  • 「福島原発事故で知られているセシウム137の半減期は30年だが、整えられた条件のもとでは、1時間以内に中性バリウムに変わる。」
    ⇒ 論文には、セシウム137の放射線が低減した後の元素分析結果は書かれていなかったと思うのですが、どうやら非放射性のバリウムが検出されているようですね。
  • 「シャフェエフ所長のチームは現在、ドゥブナ合同原子核研究所の結果検証を待っている。超高純度ゲルマニウムをベースにした敏感型ガンマ線スペクトロメータを物理学実験所に持ち込む。これによって、プロセスをリアルタイムで観察できるようになる。対照実験はセシウム137で行われる。」
    ⇒ これは重要なニュースでした。現状、Shafeev博士のチーム以外での追試は出ていないと思いますので、このドゥブナ合同原子核研究所での実験結果が待たれます。
  • 「ドゥブナ合同原子核研究所核反応実験室の上級研究員であるサルキス・カラミャン氏はこう話す。「このプロセスを自分の目で見ないと、説明探しができない。私は実験核物理分野で50年以上仕事をしているが、レーザー光または特定の化学的環境のもとで核の崩壊が急に加速するとは信じ難い」」
    ⇒ 実に真っ当な意見だと思います。そして、こんな現象が起こるとは信じ難い、と思いながらも、実際に追試を実行する姿勢が素晴らしいと思います。
  • 「「もちろん、土壌を集めて、ろ過することは可能。だが、溶液の方が作業しやすい。つまり、タンクからトリチウムやセシウムを含む汚染水が流出し続けている福島で、この開発が多くを是正するかもしれない」とシャフェエフ所長。」
    ⇒ 福島第一原発で増え続ける汚染水の処理にShafeev博士が着目していると分かりました。





(アブストラクトは http://jcfrs.org/JCF15/jcf15-abstracts.pdf です)


Preface: S. Narita

JCF15-1. Comparison of some Ni-based nano-composite samples with respect to excess heat
evolution under exposure to hydrogen isotope gases
A. Kitamura, A. Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita, A. Taniike and Y. Furuyama

JCF15-2. Deuterium adsorption test using Pd-Ni and Pd-Ag multi-layered samples
H. Kudou, S. Kataoka, K. Ota, S. Narita

JCF15-3. Analysis of heat generation by adiabatic calorimeter and matrix calculation forthe reaction of fine metal in deuterium gas
T. Mizuno, H. Yoshino

JCF15-4. Background for Condensed Cluster Fusion
A. Takahashi

JCF15-5. Convergence Aspect of the Self-consistent Calculations for Quantum States of
Charged Bose Particles in Solids
K. Tsuchiya and S. Kounlavong

JCF15-8. Computer Simulation of Hydrogen Phonon StatesH. Miura

JCF15-9. Is Gamma-Less Transmutation Possible? -The Case of Metal plus TSC andBOLEPA.

Recently, a new research laboratory has been established in cooperation with Tohoku University and Clean Planet Inc. This is a very good news for Japanese society. The laboratory is now expected to be a center of research of condensed matter nuclear science (CMNS) in Japan. However, there is a still serious problem that the number of active researchers is decreasing. We, Japanese society, should consider how we secure human resources, especially encourage young people to participate in the CMNS research.


Open Power AssociationがMFMPの協力を得てParkhomov風追試に挑む予定

イタリアのOpen Power Associationが、Parkhomov風の常温核融合追試実験を行う準備を進めているそうです。MFMPの支援を受けているとのことで、MFMPがFacebookに状況を投稿しています。その記事の埋め込み参照です。

Open Power Association's Parkhomov-Like experimental program well underway[]=Project Dog Bone=[]The OPA shares...
Posted by Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project on 2015年7月9日

英語翻訳簡易版: https://goo.gl/PtRjhZ
オリジナルのイタリア語版: https://goo.gl/LPpTJX


関西大学教授Norman Cook博士のQuantum Nucleodynamics解説ビデオ

関西大学のNorman Cook博士が、LENR現象を説明する理論仮説の解説ビデオ(だと思います)を公開されました。E-Cat Worldでも紹介されています。尤も、私には中身が理解できていないのですが・・・







E-Cat Worldに最近立て続けてに常温核融合関連の新しい実験や論文が紹介されています。
その中の一つに、モスクワのPeople’s Friendship Universityで6月25日に行われた研究会で発表されたプラズマ電気分解での過剰熱検出の報告があります。



ロシア語の文献はさっぱり分からないのですが、FacebookでJonas Matuzas氏が英語で概略を示してくれています。以下、発言を引用します。
Some news from Russia... It was "ordinary" workshop in institute of People's Friendship University of Russia. The main report was made by Bazutov ( Some fact about him- he worked with Porhomov before some years (then they separated), he was in Pardue conference). Bazutov report: he is doing "plasma electrolysis" with ordinary water and he have excess heat- 3 x , in some special cases- 6x. (personally for me it is reminds blacklight power). He claims that excess heat is from nuclear transmutations. they use their theoretical model based on new elementary particle erzion (theory starts form 1981). He is in process of patenting it. In July he is going to make "public" demonstration of his reaction. He is not hiding anything , he is open.







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