

2015年6月15日の日経新聞の「科学記者の目」のコーナーに「核のごみを無害化 「常温核融合」の遺産を利用」という黒川卓氏の記事が載りました。
  • 東北大電子光理学研究センターに「凝縮系核反応共同研究部門」が設立された。
  • 放射性廃棄物を放射線を出さない物質に核変換する技術が、政府が昨年度始めた大型研究プロジェクト「革新的研究開発推進プログラム(ImPACT)」のテーマに選ばれた。
  • これまでの常温核融合研究の歩みを振り返りつつ、「核科学の常識ではあり得ないデータが出ているのだから、メカニズムを解明する必要があると思った」という研究者の思いを紹介。
  • 核廃棄物の処理は重要な課題であることから、「いつ実現するかは見通せないが、多様な核変換の研究開発の推移を見守りたい」と締めくくる。






CFRL News第94号に載った生物核変換への理論的アプローチ

小島英夫博士の常温核融合研究所が発行するCFRL Newsの第94号が公開されています。日本語版は ここ にあります。


今回の94号は「1.2 炭素アーク電極の水素化グラファイトにおける核変換」「1.3 XLPE における核変換」で、炭素・水素からなる化合物での元素変換に言及し、「1.4 生物核変換 Biotransmutation」も同様の仮説で説明できるのではないかと示しています。

ここ20年間の生物核変換の実験データは、主に V.I. Vysotskii et al.によっていられています [Vysotskii 1996, 2000, 2009a, 2009b, 2013, 2015]。かれらの実験データの主な結果は、 
(1) 55/25Mn の存在する系での 57/26Fe の生成 [Vysotskii 1996, 2015] と 
(2) 放射性核種 157/55Cs の崩壊定数の短縮 [Vysotskii 2009b, 2015]です。 
読者の便宜のために、彼らの実験結果をまとめた最近の論文 [Vysotskii 2015] を、CFRL サイトの、このニュースの次に掲載しておきます:
Vysotskii et al. の実験は、数種の微生物菌株 microbial culture を使って行われています。それらはバクテリア(Bacillus subtilis GSY 228, Escherichia coli K-1, Deinococcus radiodurans M-1) とイースト Saccharomyces cerevisiae T-8 です。 これらの菌株は、重水を含んだ媒質中で成長すること、および強力な放射線の存在する系で安定なこと(Deinococcus radiodurans M-1)を考慮して選ばれました[Vysotskii 2009a]。 
S. cerevisiae (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells are round to ovoid (egg shaped), 5–10 micrometers (μm) in diameter.
B. subtilis (Bacillus subtilis) cells are typically rod-shaped, and are about 4-10 μm long and 0.25–1.0 μm in diameter, with a cell volume of about 4.6 fL at stationary phase.
D. radiodurans (Deinococcus radiodurans) is a rather large, spherical bacterium, with a diameter of 1.5 to 3.5 µm. Four cells normally stick together, forming a tetrad.
E. coli (Escherichia coli) is- - - - . Cells are typically rod-shaped, and are about 2.0 μm long and 0.25–1.0 μm in diameter, with a cell volume of 0.6–0.7 μm3.





この実験を行ったG.A. Shafeev博士は、ウラニウムとナノ金粒子の組合せの他にも様々な組合せでの半減期短縮を報告しているようです。

Laser-induced caesium-137 decay
E.V. Barmina, A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev
Quantum Electronics 44 (8)  791 –792  (2014)
Laser-induced caesium-137 decay - IOPscience

Abstract.  Experimental data are presented on the laser-induced beta decay of caesium-137. We demonstrate that the exposure of a gold target to a copper vapour laser beam (wavelengths of 510.6 and 578.2 nm, pulse duration of 15 ns) for 2 h in an aqueous solution of a caesium-137 salt reduces the caesium-137 activity by 70%, as assessed from the gamma activity of the daughter nucleus 137mBa, and discuss potential applications of laser-induced caesium-137 decay in radioactive waste disposal.

この実験で標的となった金のナノ粒子の写真がFigure 1に出ています。

次のFigure 2がレーザー照射前後のセシウムの放射線の強さを示しています。黒い棒が照射前で、ピンクと黄色の棒が照射後です。これを見ると、レーザーを照射した直後に4分の1程度まで放射線強度が低下しているのが分かります。面白いことに、この後、長時間照射しても強さに変化は殆ど無かったそうです。





中国のSongsheng Jiang博士が600Wの過剰熱生成に成功(2)

中国のSongsheng Jiang博士が過剰熱発生実験に成功した件の追加情報が出ていますので紹介します。

Figure 6 data for New Result on Anomalous Heat Production in Hydrogen-loaded Metals at high Temperature
By Songsheng Jiang, of the China Institute of Atomic Energy


また、E-Cat Worldに以下のようなQAが載っており、様々な疑問に対してJiang博士が直截に回答してくれています。


1 – Can you provide information about nickel powder and LiAlH4 used? For example, the manufacturer, purity, particle size, surface morphology, etc. 
The nickel powder and LiAlH4 was all commercial products, produced in Beijing and Tianjin respectively. The size of metal nickel powder is from a few microns to tens of microns. We not used carbonyl nickel powder in this experiment. The purity is higher than 99.9%. Surface morphology is unknown.
2 – Do you have any SEM (scanning electron microscope) images of the nickel, LiAlH4, the mixed fuel, and the ash or used fuel? 
We not do any SEM images in this experiment. We don’t think it is important for judging excess heat production. The surface structure may have changes at high temperature and loading hydrogen into nickel, but it cannot give a direct evidence of excess heat production.
3 – How did you process the nickel and LiAlH4 before placing it in the reactor? Can you detail how the fuel was loaded into the nickel reactor cell? Was the powder tightly packed or loose? 
Original LiAlH4 is in a sealed metal bag, and the bag is in a sealed metal can. When we prepare the fuel, open the can and bag, then take out a certain amount of LiAlH4 by small chemical  spoon and then weight nickel powder and LiAlH4 separately. The both were mixed homogeneously by the spoon on a clear paper. Then the mixed powders was put into the fuel cell and compressed by spoon tightly. For safety, the person working at the nickel  and LiAlH4 powders was wearing masks and gloves
5 – Do you think having low pressure in the cell is important in producing excess heat? If so, why? 
I do not think having low pressure in the cell is important in producing excess heat. After first hydrogen-loaded process, excess heat has no significant correlation with pressure in our experiment (see fig. 6, yellow line).
6 – How much free space was in the reactor chamber compared to the fuel volume? 
The total space volume of the reactor chamber was about 220 ml and the fuel volume was less than 35 ml.
7 – A hydrogen tank is mentioned in the report. Did you add hydrogen to the reactor from the tank? 
Yes, the hydrogen bottle was used for sometime, for example, increasing pressure as test
8 – The report states that the reactor operated in self sustain mode for 20 minutes. However, the graph on page 11 seems to show the voltage (blue line) did not go to zero until 10:50 which would make the period of self sustain only about 10 minutes. Can you explain this? 
The report does not show how much self sustaining time around 10:50 on 8 May. The self sustain mode for 20 minutes is in the first self sustain period on 5 May. This self sustaining process is not shown in Fig. 7a and 7b.
9 – When you examined the nickel cell afterwards, what condition was it and the fuel in? Was the nickel cell melted? 
After experiment, the fuels were melted in the cell, but nickel box was not melted, it was well.
10 – Can you provide the raw data from this experiment? 
Fig.7a is an automatic plot of data logger (recorder), in other words, it was raw data. The excel data can be exported for making other figures. I do not think it is necessary to provide raw data information.
11 – Did you control the experiment manually, or did you use any kind of controller? 
We control the experiment manually right now.
12 – T1 is always constant in Fig 7b, but it would seem that because of heat transfer from T2 to T1, the T1 cannot be constant. Could T1 be damaged? 
T1 was not constant in the whole experiment (see Fig. 6, red  and green curves ). T1 temperature may change while tuning input power. The constant T1 temperature may be correlated with very low pressure (much lower than 1 atmospheric pressure in the chamber). In this case, thermal conductivity in the chamber was very low. Also, the heat capacity of fuel cell was much small than the reaction chamber. The low thermal conductivity and large different heat capacity between a small fuel cell and large reaction chamber may make heat transfer from core cell to the T1 very slowly and lose a lot in the way, no reason to doubt T1 damaged.
13. On the cooling down … T2 is far below T1. But they should go together to an equilibrium due to the setup of the experiment. If there is no added heat, delta T1-T2 must lead to 0. But T2 is below T1 at ~11:30. Could T2 be damaged? 
T1 was near the heater, T2 was on the cell wall, both were separated by reaction chamber. When no excess heat source, the T2 temperature is lower than T1. If enough excess heat is produced, T2 may be higher than T1 ( also see Fig. 6, red and green curves).
14. What kind of calibration was done for this experiment? 
We was used the method similar to Focardi et al work in 1998 to calibrate factor of W/0C, it is about 1.5-2.5.
16. – What are your plans for your next experiment? 
We have not made final plan how to do the next experiment, hope to improve the temperature measurement.


本の紹介: 放射線像









長年にわたって常温核融合研究を積み重ねてきた一流の研究者たちによる日本語の講演です(Nagel博士の講演は英語)。日本人に理解しやすい講演ビデオが公開されたのは、たいへん大きな意味があると思います。公開してくれたClean Planet社と、講師の皆様に感謝します。


吉野 英樹 氏(株式会社クリーンプラネット 代表取締役社長): 開会の挨拶

小栗 慶之 博士(東京工業大学教授): 開会の挨拶

笠木 治郎太 博士(東北大学 名誉教授): 凝縮系核反応~常温核融合ミラクルへの挑戦

高橋 亮人 博士(大阪大学 名誉教授): 熱発生実験の現状と今後(1/2)

高橋 亮人 博士(大阪大学 名誉教授): 熱発生実験の現状と今後(2/2)

岩村 康弘 博士(東北大学 特任教授): 凝縮系核反応~共同研究部門の目指すもの

Professor David Nagel explains LENR in Tokyo (1/2)

Professor David Nagel explains LENR in Tokyo (2/2)
