2009年7月2日にTBSで「CBSドキュメント 常温核融合の可能性」という番組が放映されました。
これは米国CBSの"60 Minutes"というシリーズ番組で"Cold Fusion is Hot Again"と題して放映されたものの和訳版でした。
この番組の中では、米国ミズーリ大学のロバート・ダンカン博士が中立の立場から固体核融合実験の妥当性評価を依頼されています。ダンカン博士は固体核融合実験結果を報告したイスラエルのEnergetics Technologies社を訪問し、2日間にわたって実験状況を詳しく検証し、結果として過剰熱発生は本物であると結論付けました。
ダンカン博士はミズーリ大学の研究副学長?(Vice Chancellor for Research)の職にあるらしく、2009年5月29日に開催されたミズーリ大学のセミナーで固体核融合を取り上げました。
※ 以下、括弧内は私の拙い和訳です。誤解や誤訳があればご指摘いただけると幸甚です。
Vice Chancellor for Research Seminar Series
Excess Heat and Particle Tracks from Deuterium-loaded Palladium
12:30 - 1:00 pm
[1] Welcome, Summary, and Observations
Robert V. Duncan, Ph.D., University of Missouri
(PowerPoint 2007形式! 約1.3MB)
1:00 - 2:30 pm
[2] Twenty-Year History of Lattice-Enabled Nuclear Reactions Using Pd/D Co-deposition
Mr. Lawrence Forsley, President, JWK International Corporation
Pamela A. Mosier-Boss, Ph.D., Advanced Systems and Applied Sciences Division of SSC-Pacific
Frank E. Gordon, Ph.D., Head, Research and Applied Sciences Department, US Navy SSC-Pacific
(PowerPoint 約10.4MB)
2:45 - 3:15 pm
[3] An Informed Skeptic's View of Cold Fusion
Edmund K. Storms, Ph.D., KivaLabs, LLC, Santa Fe, NM and Greenwich, CT
(PowerPoint 約5.2MB)
**Page 1: Prospects for the Discovery of New Energy Science
**Page 2: Cold Confusion Why such a surprise in 1989?
First report of a possible nuclear fusion in palladium loaded with heavy hydrogen: Berlin, Germany, September 17, 1926 by Professors Paneth and Peters
Detection of confirmed nuclear fusion in liquid heavy hydrogen at -422F (-252C) in Russia, Berkeley and other places from 1954 to 1959. This fusion is catalyzed by naturally occurring muons (next slide)
**Page3: Cold (Muon-Catalyzed) Fusion
「Catalysis of Nuclear Reactions between Hydrogen Isotopes by μ Mesons」
μ- mesons are 207 times more massive than an electron, have a 2.2 μs half-life, and shower the earth at an average rate of one per cm2 per minute near the speed of light
Notice... COLD FUSION!, but no energy technology impact, since muons are so expensive to create artificially, and since their natural luminosity is far too low.
**Page4: Cold Confusion, but now in the‘Age of Mass Media’
Pons and Fleischmann (PF), University of Utah Press Conference, March, 1989
- Very bad media strategy
- A very negative reaction by the physics community especially within the United States
- Real science with possible profound engineering consequences, suddenly becomes a ‘pariah science’
- Fleischmann’s two regrets
About 200 ‘excess heat’ results from many independent labs repeat PF results, from 1989 to 2009
**Page5: The 60 Minutes Story, 4/19/09
Visit to Energetic Technologies in Omer, Israel, in October, 2008:
(2008年10月にイスラエルのオメルにあるEnergetic Technologies社を訪問)
- Observed excess heat while I was there
- Three different cell designs, all very different, all have reported excess heat in the past
- Five cells have reported excess heat exceeding 1,000,000 J from a 0.3g Pd foil electrode
-- Chemical heat release would have been about 100 - 800 J
-- (Heat out) / (Electrical energy in) = 25, 15 (rarely), 8, and less
- Quite similar results from many other labs in Italy, Russia, China, Germany, and the USA (mainly SRI and Navy)
**Page6: 実験装置の説明
**Page7: 実験装置の説明
**Page8: Excess Heat Result from ET in 2004
**Page9: Summary of Other Results
Heavy loading special Pd required: D/Pd > 0.85 (McKubre)
- Probably a surface effect
- May depend on D deposited in voids
- Improved by surface roughness
-- Surface depressions, and ultrasound-induced surface roughening
-- Careful surface studies are ongoing at the NRL
Many different methods of loading
- Electrolytic (as in FP)
- D+ ion bombardment of the Pd from discharge
- D2 gas pressure on Zr-Pd nanoparticles
- Co-deposition using electroforming technology
All have displayed excess heat
- Excess heat release is quite variable, often with a long onset time from 10’s to 100’s of hours, and occasionally 10,000 times higher than would be expected from chemical origin
- Gas-pressure loaded nanoparticles and co-deposition both report excess heat every time, while others are less likely.
**Page10: Is the Excess Heat Effect Real?
Specifically in cells loaded by electrolytic techniques that I observed at Energetic Technologies in Omer, Israel in October, 2008:
- Recombiner concerns?
-- ET results take Pin = I*V, ignore recombiner heat
--- Hence excess heat reports are under-estimated
-- Volume chemical reaction?
-- Oxygen leak resulting in D-burn at cathode?
- Ground-loops or shorts?
-- Isolation transformer coupling on cathode resistivity measurements
-- Very good laboratory technique was observed
- Under-estimated input power?: Electrolytic Interrupter effect?
(入力電力の過小見積? Electrolytic Interrupter効果?)
-- 50 kHz measurement system sampling, > 20 kHz BW
-- Direct measurements with a 200 MHz BW scope
-- Any such effect is < 0.01% of near DC input power
-- Proposed calibrated physical source measurement
**Page11: Excess Heat Effect Appears to be Real
Even if input power is mis-measured due to an electrolytic interrupter effect...
(仮にelectrolytic interrupter効果により入力電力が誤計測されていたとしても)
... why didn’t it appear on the 200 MHz scope?
... what mechanism can store 50 kJ to 4 MJ of energy near a 0.3g Pd electrode for heat release a few hours or days later?
Even if some amazing new mechanism like this were to be discovered ...
... it would be absent in the other methods of loading, all of which report excess heat
**Page12: The Excess Heat Effect: far Greater than Chemical Heat Release
The ET Pd cathode mass was 0.3 g (2x10-3mole)
Chemical release of heat:
- ΔH for Pd +D → PdD is about 43 kJ/mole
-- So about 100 J if this heat release was somehow delayed
- ΔH for 2D2 + O2 → 2D2O is about 242 kJ/mole
-- So about 500 J of delayed released heat
Many measurements show:
- Typical heat release per episode of 50,000 J
- Occasional heat release of over 1,000,000 J
Heat release is usually from ambient temperature to about 100 oC, with occasional reports of heat release up to the melting of Pd at 1,550 oC
**Page13: So What is Going On?
We don’t know ? it will take a lot of well controlled experiments to figure this out.
The ‘excess heat’ appears to be real. That is enough to motivate serious study.
- A hypothesis: Ignition through muon-catalyzed D + D fusion near (but not in) the Pd.
- Micro-craters found on the Pd surface by ET in Israel, and by Navy SPAWAR
- New measurements of particle production (SPAWAR)
Very little USA public funding means that there is little assurance that results will come available in the public domain, at least in the USA. Remember the transistor IP issues from the 1948 Bell Labs patent?
**Page14: Muon-catalyzed Ignition?
**Page15: Evidence for Nuclear Processes?
Micro-craters observed independently by Energetic Technologies and by SPAWAR
- Correlates with excess heat production, but no attempt yet to correlate areal crater density with total excess heat release, etc.
- Modeling by SPAWAR suggests that these craters could be of nuclear fusion origin
- Other descriptions exist for their origin, but few are compelling, in my opinion
The D + D → 4He appears to be favored, with energy and momentum taken up by the lattice (no gamma!)
- Mossbauer-like process, but electromagnetic, not phonon?
- Other possible quantum coherent mechanisms?
Other more complex nuclear processes?
Or possibly something that we totally don’t understand yet?
**Page16: SEM images from Energetic Technologies Ltd. in Omer, Israel
**Page17: SEMs Obtained for a Cathode Subjected to an E-Field Showing Micro-Volcano-Like Features
**Page18: Any ‘Lessons Learned’ Here ?
There is a HUGE gap between new science discovery and useful engineered systems
- Don’t speculate wildly, manage expectations!
- Pursue basic science BECAUSE you don’t understand!
- I really don’t know if this science will ever lead to energy production, but it is very important to find out systematically
Mass media needs to approach new discoveries carefully in light of the first point above
Research funding needs to become less dependent on the common assumptions within the culture of scientific communities, and much more courageous and objective
The Scientific Method is a wonderful thing, use it always, no exceptions!
**Page19: Junk Science or Empirical Data?
Persistent observations, like excess heat in Pd - D and superconductivity above room temperature, should be treated as empirical evidence that our understanding of physics remains incomplete, as it probably always will be.
It is simply too convenient and counter-productive to dismiss these observations as ‘junk science’.
The Scientific Method is the only thing we have got, and fortunately it is the only thing that we need!
- Simply apply the scientific method without prejudice, and go where the data leads you
**Page20: Media and Science Don’t Mix Well
Adaptation to the mass media generally drives science away from open inquiry per the scientific method, toward showcasing accomplishments in an attempt to win competitive resource allocations.
Peer review is slow but very valuable when ‘associate editor’ appeal is permitted. Extreme peer pressure to conform to accepted funding norms has blocked important publications, but this is rare.
(associate editorアピールが許されているかぎり??、ピアレビューは時間がかかるが非常に価値ある方法だ。確立された規範を守らせようとするピアレビューによって重要な出版物への掲載が止められる事もあったが、これは稀だ)
**Page21: Path Forward
Empirical approach to test scaling hypothesis
- Pursue all approaches, but prefer 100% ‘ignition’
- Does it scale? If so, how?
- Concurrent materials studies
-- What is ‘good’ palladium?
-- Other
- Will it provide at least 350% excess heat at adequately high temperature for efficient energy conversion?
Explore for the fundamental mechanisms
- Empirical studies will provide important clues
- Hypothesis-driven experimentation
- There may be many mechanisms, not just one.