ロッシ氏は旧型E-Catの1MWプラントの長期テストを終え、新しいE-Cat~通称E-Cat QuarkX~の開発に集中してきているようです。QuarkXは、それまでのE-Catを違い、熱と同時に電力をも生成する点が大きく違います(とはいえ、実物は公開されておらず、ロッシ氏がリークしているだけですが)。
■ 6月に新しい顧客と本格的なテストを開始する予定とロッシ氏が発言
Rossi: E-Cat Test for ‘Very Important’ New Customer in June (Update: New Details of Test Provided) |
以下、E-Cat Worldに引用されたロッシ氏の発言を再引用します(赤字は引用者による)。QuarkXは小さくデザインされており、自動生産にも適していると。また、6月の顧客は従来の顧客とは違うようです。
Andrea Rossi
April 23, 2016 at 7:02 AM
I am working with the “QuarkX” right now.
The preliminar R&D will be comleted by June, if she geos on as she did so far. I am positive about what I saw until now.
We are designing a very small module to obtain any power just assembling and the design is robot-oriented.
In June there will be an extremely important meeting with due persons with a closed doors official test. The certification process has already been agreed upon and this time I think the certification, also thanks to the data obtained from the 1 year test, will be not as difficult as in the past. I hope.
The sun is rising.
Warm Regards,
FA: You wrote: “In June there will be an extremely important meeting with due persons with a closed doors official test.”
1. Is this going to be an extended test over days?
2. Will it be in connection with a) product sales, or b) certification?
Andrea Rossi
April 23, 2016 at 1:52 PM
Frank Acland:
1- yes
2- both (F8)
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
April 27, 2016 at 7:01 AM
Very well, very well.
In June we will have a very important test with a very important Customer. We are increasing the worktime to be ready for that with a mature QuarkX.
Warm Regards,
You mention you have a test with a ‘very important customer’ in June. Is this the same, or different, customer that has already ordered the three E-Cat plants you have already announced?
Andrea Rossi
April 27, 2016 at 11:07 AM
Frank Acland:
Is a new one.
Warm Regards,
■ QuarkXは誰も想像できなかった驚くべきものになりつつある?
Rossi: QuarkX to be a ‘Tremendous Surprise for Everyone’ |
電力が直接取り出せるだけでも驚くべきことなのですが、ロッシ氏自身が「very big surprise for everybody」と言うようなものへと成長しているようです。この文言だけでは全く想像がつきませんが、これほど大げさな表現をロッシ氏が選ぶには相応の理由があると思えます。期待して待ちましょう。
以下、これまた、E-Cat Worldからの再引用です(赤字は引用者による)。
Andrea Rossi
May 2, 2016 at 4:39 PM
The QuarkX will be a very big surprise for everybody. Nobody can imagine what is coming up. I am very pleased of how she is growing up and by the day I become more optimist about the outcome of this new masterpiece of my great Team. The beauty of her is that if F8 will turn out to be positive, the consequences will be fast and diffused.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
May 2, 2016 at 8:55 PM
Tom Conover:
The QuarkX will be a tremendous surprise, for everybody. I am not sure that it will be positive to F8, but if it will,
that will be a revolution that nobody expects.
Warm Regards,