February 2011
On February 10 and 11, 2011, Levi et al. (U. Bologna) performed another test of the Rossi device. Compared to the January 14 test, they used a much higher flow rate, to keep the cooling water from vaporizing. This is partly to recover more heat, and partly because Celani and others criticized phase-change calorimetry as too complicated. There were concerns about the enthalpy of wet steam versus dry steam, and the use of a relative humidity meter to determine how dry the steam was. A source close to the test gave Jed Rothwell the following figures.
2011年2月10日と11日に、ボローニャ大学のLevi氏と同僚達はロッシィ装置のテストを行った。1月14日のテストに比べて、遙かに高い流速で測定しており、蒸発しないよう水を低い温度に保っている。これはより大きな熱量を回収するためであり、また、Celani氏らから寄せられた相転移の熱量測定は複雑すぎるとの批判に応えるためでもある。湿り蒸気と乾き蒸気のエンタルピーの比較と蒸気の乾き度合いを図るのに相対湿度計を用いている点に懸念は残る。この実験の近くにいたソースから、Jed Rothwell氏に以下のような数値の提供があった。
These are approximations:
Duration of test: 18 hours
テスト時間: 18時間
Flow rate: 3,000 L/h = ~833 ml/s.
流量:3000リットル/時間 = 約833ml/s
Cooling water input temperature: 15ーC
Cooling water output temperature: ~20ーC
Input power from control electronics: variable, average 80 W, closer to 20 W for 6 hours
The temperature difference of 5ーC * 833 ml = 4,165 calories/second = 17,493 W.
Observers estimated average power as 16 kW. A 5ーC temperature difference can easily be measured with confidence.
3,000 L/h is 793 gallons/h, which is the output of a medium-sized $120 ornamental pond pump.
The control electronics input of ~80 W is in line with what was reported for tests before Jan. 14. Input power was high on that day because there was a problem with cracked welding, according to the Levi report.
18 hours * 16 kWh = 288 kWh = 1,037 MJ. That is the amount of energy in 26 kg of gasoline (7.9 gallons). Given the size and weight of the device, this rules out a chemical source of energy.
Levi et al. are expected to write another paper about this test. We will upload it when it becomes available. NyTeknik published a fascinating description of the latest experiment (in English).
This includes new details, such as the fact that the power briefly peaked at 130 kW. NyTeknik also published an interview with two outside experts about the demonstration: Prof. Emeritus at Uppsala University Sven Kullander, chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Energy Committee, and Hanno Essen, associate professor of theoretical physics, Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. Two versions are available, in English and Swedish.
NyTeknikは更にこのデモに関する2名の外部の専門家のインタビューも載せています。Uppsala University Sven Kullanderの教授であり、国立エネルギー科学コミッティの座長でもあるEmeritus氏とスェーデン王立工科大学の理論物理学の准教授であるHanno Essen氏です。英語版もスェーデン語版もあります。
Cold Fusion Nowの「Kids clue-in the President.」(子供たちが大統領に説明)という記事で知りました。先週の金曜日(2月18日)に、米国のオバマ大統領がオレゴン州にあるBeaverton School of Science and Technology(ビーバートン科学技術学校)を訪問し、高校生3名からa crash course in clean energy(クリーンエネルギーの速習講座)を受けたそうです。
この3名は、Forrest Betton君、Demitri Hopkins君、Eric Thomas君で、オバマ大統領に対して、常温核融合を説明したようです。彼らは、2年がかりでプロジェクトに取り組んでいて、いつの日か彼らの実験がクリーンエネルギーを生み出すと信じているとの事。米国の高校生はなかなかやるもんですね。
この3名は、Forrest Betton君、Demitri Hopkins君、Eric Thomas君で、オバマ大統領に対して、常温核融合を説明したようです。彼らは、2年がかりでプロジェクトに取り組んでいて、いつの日か彼らの実験がクリーンエネルギーを生み出すと信じているとの事。米国の高校生はなかなかやるもんですね。
Gerald Celente氏、常温核融合を21世紀最大の投資機会と予測
Cold Fusion Nowが1月26日に「Gerald Celente: Cold fusion “to be the greatest investment opportunity of the 21st century.”」という記事を書いています。Gerald Celente氏が常温核融合が21世紀で最大の投資機会を提供するだろうと予測したという内容です。
Gerald氏は、「The Trends Journal」という投資家向けの雑誌を出している「The Trends Research Institute」社の創設者とのこと。世間でどの程度の評価を受けている雑誌なのか全く分かりませんが、ようやく常温核融合が投資対象として議論の俎上に載せられるようになってきました。

以下、この件の前触れとして、The Trends Journalが常温核融合を2011年のトップ11の重要トレンドの6番目に位置づけた記事から重要な部分を勝手に和訳してみました。この記事の中にはCold Fusionという言葉は使われていませんが、明らかに常温核融合を指していると思われます。
6. Alternative Energy
In laboratories and workshops unnoticed by mainstream analysts, scientific visionaries and entrepreneurs are forging a new physics incorporating principles once thought impossible, working to create devices that liberate more energy than they consume. What are they, and how long will it be before they can be brought to market? Shrewd investors will ignore the “can’t be done” skepticism, and examine the newly emerging energy trend opportunities that will come of age in 2011….
それがどういうもので、市場に持ち込まれるまでにどの位の期間がかかるのでしょうか? 洞察に富んだ投資家は、「できる筈がない」という懐疑論を無視するでしょう。そして、2011年に訪れる新エネルギーへのトレンドを機会と捉えて試すことになるでしょう。
Gerald氏は、「The Trends Journal」という投資家向けの雑誌を出している「The Trends Research Institute」社の創設者とのこと。世間でどの程度の評価を受けている雑誌なのか全く分かりませんが、ようやく常温核融合が投資対象として議論の俎上に載せられるようになってきました。
以下、この件の前触れとして、The Trends Journalが常温核融合を2011年のトップ11の重要トレンドの6番目に位置づけた記事から重要な部分を勝手に和訳してみました。この記事の中にはCold Fusionという言葉は使われていませんが、明らかに常温核融合を指していると思われます。
6. Alternative Energy
In laboratories and workshops unnoticed by mainstream analysts, scientific visionaries and entrepreneurs are forging a new physics incorporating principles once thought impossible, working to create devices that liberate more energy than they consume. What are they, and how long will it be before they can be brought to market? Shrewd investors will ignore the “can’t be done” skepticism, and examine the newly emerging energy trend opportunities that will come of age in 2011….
それがどういうもので、市場に持ち込まれるまでにどの位の期間がかかるのでしょうか? 洞察に富んだ投資家は、「できる筈がない」という懐疑論を無視するでしょう。そして、2011年に訪れる新エネルギーへのトレンドを機会と捉えて試すことになるでしょう。
ICCF-16のアブストラクトを検索してみたら、Kirvit氏のNew Energy Timesのサイトに登録されていました。幾つかPDF文書がありますが、以下がアブストラクトのようです。
lenr-canr.org でもICCF-16のアブストラクトが公開されました。以下のリンクからダウンロードできます。
lenr-canr.org でもICCF-16のアブストラクトが公開されました。以下のリンクからダウンロードできます。
Infinite Energy誌が2011年1/2月号にICCF-16関連の記事を載せています。
この中に、KOREA RE-EXPLORES INTEREST IN “COLD FUSION” (勝手な和訳:韓国が常温核融合研究を再開)という記事が載っています。著者は、Rossi氏の実験をレポートしていたMarianne Macy氏です。
この記事の冒頭に、韓国の研究者であるSunwon Park博士が次回のICCF(ICCF-17)の開催地として立候補した事が記されています。持ち回りの順番になっている北米が手を挙げなければ、開催地を他に移しても構わないようなので、次回は韓国開催となるかもしれません。韓国もまた常温核融合研究の再起動に名乗りを上げたとは、面白くなってきました。
At ICCF16 in India, a significant new presence was that of researchers from Korea -- Dr. Sunwon Park and Dr. Dohyum Kim from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Kew Ho Lee from the Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology—who were involved at the start of cold fusion research and are poised to play a significant new role. At the end of the conference, Dr. Park announced that Korea would welcome hosting the next ICCF conference; the continental rotation of the conference series calls for a North American session, but if a chair person does not volunteer then the meeting can be held elsewhere.
この中に、KOREA RE-EXPLORES INTEREST IN “COLD FUSION” (勝手な和訳:韓国が常温核融合研究を再開)という記事が載っています。著者は、Rossi氏の実験をレポートしていたMarianne Macy氏です。
この記事の冒頭に、韓国の研究者であるSunwon Park博士が次回のICCF(ICCF-17)の開催地として立候補した事が記されています。持ち回りの順番になっている北米が手を挙げなければ、開催地を他に移しても構わないようなので、次回は韓国開催となるかもしれません。韓国もまた常温核融合研究の再起動に名乗りを上げたとは、面白くなってきました。
At ICCF16 in India, a significant new presence was that of researchers from Korea -- Dr. Sunwon Park and Dr. Dohyum Kim from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Kew Ho Lee from the Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology—who were involved at the start of cold fusion research and are poised to play a significant new role. At the end of the conference, Dr. Park announced that Korea would welcome hosting the next ICCF conference; the continental rotation of the conference series calls for a North American session, but if a chair person does not volunteer then the meeting can be held elsewhere.
インドで開かれたICCF16で、特筆すべき新しい出席者は、韓国からの研究者達だった。Sunwon Park博士とDohyum Kim博士は、韓国先端科学技術センター(KAIST)からの参加だった。Kew Ho Lee氏は、韓国化学技術研究センターからの参加だった。彼らは常温核融合研究の立ち上げに関与しており、重要な新しい任務を担おうとしていた。ICCF16の最後に、Park博士は、韓国が次のICCFを開催を望んでいると表明した。この国際会議の開催地域の持ち回りに従えば次は北米の順番になる。しかし、もし、開催委員長が進んで申し出なければ他の場所で開催しても構わない。
日本語の正式名称が分からないので、勝手に「第4回未来エネルギー国際会議」と呼んでみましたが、この会議の中で常温核融合関連の発表が予定されています。英語名はFourth International Conference On Future Energyで、3月15日~17日の間、米国メリーランド大学で開かれます。
Modeling of Selected Ceramic Processing Parameters Employed in the Fabrication of 238PuO2 Fuel Pellets (Abstract)
R. A. Brockman (Bio), D. P. Kramer, C. D. Barklay, D. Cairns-Gallimore, J. L. Brown, J. C. Huling and C. E. Van Pelt
Enhanced Singular Wave Reactor For Surface Power (Abstract)
Liviu Popa-Simil (Bio)
10:00AM Break
10:15 - 12:15AM
Extensions to Physics: Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (Abstract)
Andrew Meulenberg (Bio) and K P Sinha
Deuteron Driven Fast Ignition of Pre-compressed Fuel: An Estimation of Energy Enhancement (Abstract)
George H Miley (Bio), Xiaoling Yang (Bio), Kirk A Flippo, Heinrich Hora
The Progress of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Study at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Abstract)
Xiaoling Yang (Bio), George H Miley (Bio), Heinrich Hora
Andrew Meulenberg 氏はマレーシア、K P Sinha氏はインドのバンガロールの組織の所属となっています。マレーシアにも常温核融合関連の研究者がいるのですね(但し、Meulenberg 氏の所属はIPv6センターという常温核融合とはかけ離れたもので、事情は良く分かりません)。
Energetics Technologies社はミズーリで活動中
ICCF-16のアブストラクトを見ていて気が付きました。以下を見ると、Energetics Technologies社の所在地がミズーリ・イノベーション・センターになってますね。「Energetics Technologies社、米国に移って活動(2)」で紹介したように、Energetics Technologies社はミズーリに移って活動しているようです。電解方式でも新たな進展が見られると良いですね。
The Theoretical Basis of SuperWaving LENR
Irving Dardik, Shaul Lesin, Energetics Technologies, Missouri Innovation Center, Columbia, MO, USA
Statistical Analysis of Diurnal Variations in an LENR Experiment
Felix Scholkmann *1, Tadahiko Mizuno *2, and David J. Nagel *3
*1 Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory (BORL), University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
*2 Hokkaido University, Center for Advanced of Energy Conversion Materials, Sapporo, Japan
*3 The George Washington University, Washington DC, 20052, USA
APS & ACS での常温核融合セッション
米国化学会は前回と同じく、ENVR(Division of Environmental Chemistry)カテゴリの中でNew Energy Technologyセッションが予定されています(内容はLENR研究の発表)。
米国化学会は前回と同じく、ENVR(Division of Environmental Chemistry)カテゴリの中でNew Energy Technologyセッションが予定されています(内容はLENR研究の発表)。
What is Needed in LENR/FPE Studies
Michael C. H. McKubre
What is Real About Cold Fusion and What Explanations are Plausible?
Edmund Storms
The Status of Cold Fusion
Edmund Storms
Evaluation of Vibrator on Production of Helium and Energy in the “Solid Fusion”
Modeling Anomalies in Nano-Palladium D(H)-Gas Loading Experiments
Mechanisms for Heat Generation during Deuterium and Hydrogen Loading of Palladium Nanostructures
O. Dmitriyeva
Fabrication, Characterization, and Evaluation of Arata Style Alloys
M. A. Imam
Is the Excess Heat from Gas Loading Consistent with D-H Exchange?
David A. Kidwell
Nuclear “Ash” and Particle Detection in Gas Loading Experiments
David A. Kidwell
Excess Heat in a Long Thin Palladium Tube at Room Temperature using Gas-Loading Method
Q. M. Wei
“Excess Heat” Triggering by “Pumping Effect” in a H-Pd Gas Loading System
Examination of errors that occur when using a gas-filled calorimeter
Edmund Storms
Cold Nuclear Fusion in the Earth's Crust
Genadi Tarasenko,
Initiation of the Cold Fusion Reactions by Air Components
Sergey A.Tsvetkov,
Flow Calorimetric Measurements of Interaction of H2, D2, He (and their Ar mixtures) with Nanocoated Wires of Ni and Pd-Alloy at Temperatures upto 850°C
Francesco Celani
The Theoretical Basis of SuperWaving LENR
Irving Dardik
The Evidence for the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
Rodney W. Johnson
Stimulation of PdDx Wires at Cryogenic Temperatures
Francis Tanzella
Magnetic Field Triggering of Excess Power in Deuterated Palladium
Scott R. Chubb
Electrochemistry and Calorimetry of Ruthenium Co-Deposition
Melvin H. Miles
Excess Heat Power Registration in Experiments with High Voltage Electrolysis Cell
A.B. Karabut
Progress of Reproduction of Excess Heat in Pd/D2O+D2SO4 Electrolytic Cells
Wu-Shou Zhang
The Observation of Abnormal Phenomena in a Pt(H)/K2CO3/Pd System during its Electrolysis and Triggered by an Ultrasonic Wave Generator
Jian Tian
Calorimetric & Nuclear Phenomena in anode Plasma Electrolysis
Yu.N. Bazhutov
Protocol for a Silicate-based LENR Using Electrodes of Various Metals
Brian P. Roarty
Metallurgy and Calorimetry of Pd-B and Pd-Ce-B Materials
M.A. Imam
Investigations of Possible Shuttle Reactions in Co-Deposition Systems
Melvin H. Miles
New Analysis of MIT Calorimetric Errors
Melvin H. Miles
Production of Neutron-rich Bi Isotopes and Hypothesis About Formation and Decay of the Long-living Nuclear Molecules.
D. S. Baranov
Statistical Analysis of Diurnal Variations in an LENR Experiment
Felix Scholkmann
Modeling Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment
Peter L. Hagelstein
Roles of Crystal Size, Electromagnetic Fields and Deuterium Flux in Triggering Excess Power in PdD
Scott R. Chubb
Simulation of Palladium Fission Products Using the FCC Lattice Model
Norman D. Cook
Quantum-Correlated Fluctuations, Enhanced Tunneling, and Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter (Alloys)
K. P. Sinha
From the Naught Orbit to He4 Ground State
Andrew Meulenberg
Introduction to Pico-chemistry and Experimental Approach.
Jacques Dufour.
Localization Effects of Low-Energy Deuterons in a Lattice
Valerio Dallacasa
Low Energy Sub-barrier Correlated Nuclear Fusion in Dynamical Systems
The Physical Reasons of Existence of Large-Size Neutron-Nucleus Molecules and Related Anomalies of Long-Distance Low Energy Fusion and Fission
Nuclear Exothermic Reactions in lattices Pd: A Theoretical Study of d-d Reaction
Fulvio Frisone
Erziotriton & Cold Nuclear Transmutation Coursed by It
Yu.N. Bazhutov
Compatibility of Ionic Crystal Lattice Assisted Nuclear Fusion and Thermonuclear Fusion
Arunachalam Lakshmanan
A Possible Explanation for ‘How Coulomb’s Repulsion is Overcome in Cold-Fusion’
R.C. Gupta
Possibility of Nuclear-Fusion Occurring during Arc-Welding
R.C. Gupta
Deuteron Fusion using Pb Nanoparticles.
Vasudev Godbole
Dynamical Screening Effect on α-decay in Metal During Deuteron Beam Bombardment
J. Kasagi
Fusion of Deuterium Nuclei in Tid Systems Stimulated by X Rays
I. Chernov
Research into Excited Long Lived 0.6 - 6.0 Kev Energy Levels in the Cathode Solid Medium of Glow Discharge by X-Ray Spectra Emission
A.B. Karabut
Neutron Emission Measurements During Loading Tests On Solid Specimens and Confirmations by EDS Analysis
A. Carpinteri
Piezonuclear Neutrons and Transmutations in Iron Bars Treated by Ultrasounds
Andrea Petrucci
Cavitation BEC Compression Pulse Explains Experimental Results
Roger Stringham,
Advances in Deuterium Permeation Transmutation Experiments
Characterization of Cathodes Before and After Electrolysis
John Dash
Pd Isotopic Variations After LENR Experiment
M. Valat
Characteristics and Energetics of Craters in LENR Experimental Materials
David J. Nagel
Stimulation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in the Gas Discharge.
Irina Savvatimova
Observation of Pits & Pit Swarms in Plastic Solid-State Detectors Exposed in Space and their Erzion Interpretation
Characterization of Pd-Ni-Zr Oxide Compounds
Effect of Forced Oxidization on Hydrogen Isotope Absorption/Adsorption Characteristics of Pd-Ni-Zr Oxide Compounds
Y. Miyoshi
Are Oxide Interfaces Necessary for LENR?
D.D. Dominguez
The study of the Fleischman & Pons Effect through the Materials Science Development
V. Violante
Correlation Between Surface Properties and Anomalous Effects in F&P Experiments
E. Castagna
Robust Performance Validation of LENR Energy Generators
K. S. Grabowski
Optimization of LENR Energy Generators
Kamron Fazel
Technology of Environmentally Clean Remediating Radioactive Waste Based on Low Energy Transmutation of Radioactive Nuclides
Technology of Wasteless Low Cost Desalinating Sea Water Based on Low Energy Transmutation of Chemical Elements
Hot and Cold Fusion for Energy Generation
David J. Nagel
What is Needed in LENR/FPE Studies
Michael C. H. McKubre
What is Real About Cold Fusion and What Explanations are Plausible?
Edmund Storms
The Status of Cold Fusion
Edmund Storms
Evaluation of Vibrator on Production of Helium and Energy in the “Solid Fusion”
Modeling Anomalies in Nano-Palladium D(H)-Gas Loading Experiments
Mechanisms for Heat Generation during Deuterium and Hydrogen Loading of Palladium Nanostructures
O. Dmitriyeva
Fabrication, Characterization, and Evaluation of Arata Style Alloys
M. A. Imam
Is the Excess Heat from Gas Loading Consistent with D-H Exchange?
David A. Kidwell
Nuclear “Ash” and Particle Detection in Gas Loading Experiments
David A. Kidwell
Excess Heat in a Long Thin Palladium Tube at Room Temperature using Gas-Loading Method
Q. M. Wei
“Excess Heat” Triggering by “Pumping Effect” in a H-Pd Gas Loading System
Examination of errors that occur when using a gas-filled calorimeter
Edmund Storms
Cold Nuclear Fusion in the Earth's Crust
Genadi Tarasenko,
Initiation of the Cold Fusion Reactions by Air Components
Sergey A.Tsvetkov,
Flow Calorimetric Measurements of Interaction of H2, D2, He (and their Ar mixtures) with Nanocoated Wires of Ni and Pd-Alloy at Temperatures upto 850°C
Francesco Celani
The Theoretical Basis of SuperWaving LENR
Irving Dardik
The Evidence for the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
Rodney W. Johnson
Stimulation of PdDx Wires at Cryogenic Temperatures
Francis Tanzella
Magnetic Field Triggering of Excess Power in Deuterated Palladium
Scott R. Chubb
Electrochemistry and Calorimetry of Ruthenium Co-Deposition
Melvin H. Miles
Excess Heat Power Registration in Experiments with High Voltage Electrolysis Cell
A.B. Karabut
Progress of Reproduction of Excess Heat in Pd/D2O+D2SO4 Electrolytic Cells
Wu-Shou Zhang
The Observation of Abnormal Phenomena in a Pt(H)/K2CO3/Pd System during its Electrolysis and Triggered by an Ultrasonic Wave Generator
Jian Tian
Calorimetric & Nuclear Phenomena in anode Plasma Electrolysis
Yu.N. Bazhutov
Protocol for a Silicate-based LENR Using Electrodes of Various Metals
Brian P. Roarty
Metallurgy and Calorimetry of Pd-B and Pd-Ce-B Materials
M.A. Imam
Investigations of Possible Shuttle Reactions in Co-Deposition Systems
Melvin H. Miles
New Analysis of MIT Calorimetric Errors
Melvin H. Miles
Production of Neutron-rich Bi Isotopes and Hypothesis About Formation and Decay of the Long-living Nuclear Molecules.
D. S. Baranov
Statistical Analysis of Diurnal Variations in an LENR Experiment
Felix Scholkmann
Modeling Excess Heat in the Fleischmann-Pons Experiment
Peter L. Hagelstein
Roles of Crystal Size, Electromagnetic Fields and Deuterium Flux in Triggering Excess Power in PdD
Scott R. Chubb
Simulation of Palladium Fission Products Using the FCC Lattice Model
Norman D. Cook
Quantum-Correlated Fluctuations, Enhanced Tunneling, and Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Condensed Matter (Alloys)
K. P. Sinha
From the Naught Orbit to He4 Ground State
Andrew Meulenberg
Introduction to Pico-chemistry and Experimental Approach.
Jacques Dufour.
Localization Effects of Low-Energy Deuterons in a Lattice
Valerio Dallacasa
Low Energy Sub-barrier Correlated Nuclear Fusion in Dynamical Systems
The Physical Reasons of Existence of Large-Size Neutron-Nucleus Molecules and Related Anomalies of Long-Distance Low Energy Fusion and Fission
Nuclear Exothermic Reactions in lattices Pd: A Theoretical Study of d-d Reaction
Fulvio Frisone
Erziotriton & Cold Nuclear Transmutation Coursed by It
Yu.N. Bazhutov
Compatibility of Ionic Crystal Lattice Assisted Nuclear Fusion and Thermonuclear Fusion
Arunachalam Lakshmanan
A Possible Explanation for ‘How Coulomb’s Repulsion is Overcome in Cold-Fusion’
R.C. Gupta
Possibility of Nuclear-Fusion Occurring during Arc-Welding
R.C. Gupta
Deuteron Fusion using Pb Nanoparticles.
Vasudev Godbole
Dynamical Screening Effect on α-decay in Metal During Deuteron Beam Bombardment
J. Kasagi
Fusion of Deuterium Nuclei in Tid Systems Stimulated by X Rays
I. Chernov
Research into Excited Long Lived 0.6 - 6.0 Kev Energy Levels in the Cathode Solid Medium of Glow Discharge by X-Ray Spectra Emission
A.B. Karabut
Neutron Emission Measurements During Loading Tests On Solid Specimens and Confirmations by EDS Analysis
A. Carpinteri
Piezonuclear Neutrons and Transmutations in Iron Bars Treated by Ultrasounds
Andrea Petrucci
Cavitation BEC Compression Pulse Explains Experimental Results
Roger Stringham,
Advances in Deuterium Permeation Transmutation Experiments
Characterization of Cathodes Before and After Electrolysis
John Dash
Pd Isotopic Variations After LENR Experiment
M. Valat
Characteristics and Energetics of Craters in LENR Experimental Materials
David J. Nagel
Stimulation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in the Gas Discharge.
Irina Savvatimova
Observation of Pits & Pit Swarms in Plastic Solid-State Detectors Exposed in Space and their Erzion Interpretation
Characterization of Pd-Ni-Zr Oxide Compounds
Effect of Forced Oxidization on Hydrogen Isotope Absorption/Adsorption Characteristics of Pd-Ni-Zr Oxide Compounds
Y. Miyoshi
Are Oxide Interfaces Necessary for LENR?
D.D. Dominguez
The study of the Fleischman & Pons Effect through the Materials Science Development
V. Violante
Correlation Between Surface Properties and Anomalous Effects in F&P Experiments
E. Castagna
Robust Performance Validation of LENR Energy Generators
K. S. Grabowski
Optimization of LENR Energy Generators
Kamron Fazel
Technology of Environmentally Clean Remediating Radioactive Waste Based on Low Energy Transmutation of Radioactive Nuclides
Technology of Wasteless Low Cost Desalinating Sea Water Based on Low Energy Transmutation of Chemical Elements
Hot and Cold Fusion for Energy Generation
David J. Nagel
ICCF 16 PressConference Part1
ICCF 16 PressConference Part2
ICCF 16 PressConference Part1
ICCF 16 PressConference Part2
CHENNAI (India) - Japanese researcher Yasuhiro Iwamura, with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, reported more progress in his LENR transmutation research today. He also mentioned that Toyota Central Labs had successfully replicated his Cs -> Pr transmutation experiment.
CHENNAI (India) - Japanese researcher Yasuhiro Iwamura, with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, reported more progress in his LENR transmutation research today. He also mentioned that Toyota Central Labs had successfully replicated his Cs -> Pr transmutation experiment.
[Vo]:Comments by Duncan, Celani at ICCF16
Jed Rothwell
Mon, 07 Feb 2011 05:59:42 -0800
Rob Duncan was supposed to give one of the keynote addresses. Unfortunately, the blizzard in the U.S. shut down Chicago and he was unable to come. He e-mailed his comments and they were read by Melich. They were excellent. I hope to get a copy soon. Anyway, one thing he said was that the heat in many of these experiments is "definitely real." I think he also said it is definitely not chemical.
Rossi's work was discussed by Celani and then Melich.
Celani's description of the demo was more critical than his discussion with me, yesterday. He was quite upset that they did not let him make nuclear measurements, and I suspect that has colored his thinking. Rossi told him "we can't let you take a gamma spectrum because that will tell you exactly what reactions are going on, and we cannot reveal that information until we can get a patent." That remark alone is revealing, isn't it!
I am not good at taking notes while listening to a lecture, but here are some of my notes from Celani's talk.
This was not a typical cold fusion experiment, especially in the choice of materials, which was nickel plus two other unnamed mystery elements. It is "conceptually mistaken" to call this Ni cold fusion. Celani believes these other elements are the active ingredient and the Ni assists the reaction in the other elements. [I have the opposite impression; that the other elements are dopants which enhance the Ni reaction that Piantelli and Focardi discovered years ago.]
There were many problems with the demonstration. The device was working a lot better on January 13. Unfortunately, on the day the people assembled, the A/C heater failed "catastrophically" and then some other parts were acting flaky. The audience become restless and upset. When they finally got it going, they were only able to reduce control power down to 400 W, and it was not as steady as it had been in recent tests at U. Bologna. On Jan. 13 and in some previous tests they could bring it down closer to 100 W, which is more impressive, with a "gain" of 30 - 40. [I quibble with use of the term "gain" in this context.] Celani referred to the 100 W level as the "self-sustaining level." In other words, almost heat after death.
The hygrometric probe [RH meter] was not reliable and the readings were not continuous.
There was the sound of steam but it was not loud. There was a lot of noise in the crowded room.
The data acquisition system failed, as noted by Levi in his report, which is why they had to use a photo of the screen.
Celani thinks there were "questionable assumptions" about the dry steam. He showed a graph of the estimates made here about 1% of the steam by volume reducing the enthalpy by a large margin. (Storms says that estimate is wrong -- the reduction is much too big.)
Celani thinks the outlet temperature probe was too close to the body of the machine.
Celani reiterated what he told me yesterday, that calorimetry by vaporization is problematic, and it would be better to increase the flow rate and use water below 90 deg C instead.
Levi and Rossi are preparing a more detailed report about the recent set of tests. (The Levi report now uploaded is a rush job, as I think anyone can see.)
After the talk, Celani mentioned that he held his hand over the exit pipe, which I think is rubber. Someone asked if he touched it. He said it was too hot. That would put it at about 50 deg C, as the person pointed out. That's very hot.
Melich, Storms and I feel that some of this is nitpicking. Celani did not address the most important issue, which is that even if there was a only a tiny bit of steam, that means the water temperature was close to 100 deg C, so there must have been massive excess heat, on the order of 400 W in, 1,800 out. You can ignore the steam altogether. In most cold fusion experiments this much excess heat would be considered a definitive triumph.
McKubre remarked that Rossi presence in the room during the test "weakens" the claim. I don't think anyone would argue with that.
Melich followed with a shorter discussion, without viewgraphs. He was more circumspect because some of the work he based his discussion has not been published yet so he cannot reveal full details. He is confident that it will be published. He agreed that Rossi's results are still somewhat "fuzzy" but warned people not to judge a project by a one-off test on one day, especially a test with 50 impatient people in the room. That is bound to be somewhat chaotic.
Levi remarked somewhere that he felt confident in the machine after the Dec. 16 test [Test 1] and also when he saw it run with no input, in heat after death. Levi's judgement does not rest entirely on the Jan. 14 demonstration [Test 2]. People such as Melich and Levi, who know the most about this machine, seem to have the highest confidence that it is real. That is a good sign.
- Jed
[Vo]:Comments by Duncan, Celani at ICCF16
Jed Rothwell
Mon, 07 Feb 2011 05:59:42 -0800
Rob Duncan was supposed to give one of the keynote addresses. Unfortunately, the blizzard in the U.S. shut down Chicago and he was unable to come. He e-mailed his comments and they were read by Melich. They were excellent. I hope to get a copy soon. Anyway, one thing he said was that the heat in many of these experiments is "definitely real." I think he also said it is definitely not chemical.
Rossi's work was discussed by Celani and then Melich.
Celani's description of the demo was more critical than his discussion with me, yesterday. He was quite upset that they did not let him make nuclear measurements, and I suspect that has colored his thinking. Rossi told him "we can't let you take a gamma spectrum because that will tell you exactly what reactions are going on, and we cannot reveal that information until we can get a patent." That remark alone is revealing, isn't it!
I am not good at taking notes while listening to a lecture, but here are some of my notes from Celani's talk.
This was not a typical cold fusion experiment, especially in the choice of materials, which was nickel plus two other unnamed mystery elements. It is "conceptually mistaken" to call this Ni cold fusion. Celani believes these other elements are the active ingredient and the Ni assists the reaction in the other elements. [I have the opposite impression; that the other elements are dopants which enhance the Ni reaction that Piantelli and Focardi discovered years ago.]
There were many problems with the demonstration. The device was working a lot better on January 13. Unfortunately, on the day the people assembled, the A/C heater failed "catastrophically" and then some other parts were acting flaky. The audience become restless and upset. When they finally got it going, they were only able to reduce control power down to 400 W, and it was not as steady as it had been in recent tests at U. Bologna. On Jan. 13 and in some previous tests they could bring it down closer to 100 W, which is more impressive, with a "gain" of 30 - 40. [I quibble with use of the term "gain" in this context.] Celani referred to the 100 W level as the "self-sustaining level." In other words, almost heat after death.
The hygrometric probe [RH meter] was not reliable and the readings were not continuous.
There was the sound of steam but it was not loud. There was a lot of noise in the crowded room.
The data acquisition system failed, as noted by Levi in his report, which is why they had to use a photo of the screen.
Celani thinks there were "questionable assumptions" about the dry steam. He showed a graph of the estimates made here about 1% of the steam by volume reducing the enthalpy by a large margin. (Storms says that estimate is wrong -- the reduction is much too big.)
Celani thinks the outlet temperature probe was too close to the body of the machine.
Celani reiterated what he told me yesterday, that calorimetry by vaporization is problematic, and it would be better to increase the flow rate and use water below 90 deg C instead.
Levi and Rossi are preparing a more detailed report about the recent set of tests. (The Levi report now uploaded is a rush job, as I think anyone can see.)
After the talk, Celani mentioned that he held his hand over the exit pipe, which I think is rubber. Someone asked if he touched it. He said it was too hot. That would put it at about 50 deg C, as the person pointed out. That's very hot.
Melich, Storms and I feel that some of this is nitpicking. Celani did not address the most important issue, which is that even if there was a only a tiny bit of steam, that means the water temperature was close to 100 deg C, so there must have been massive excess heat, on the order of 400 W in, 1,800 out. You can ignore the steam altogether. In most cold fusion experiments this much excess heat would be considered a definitive triumph.
McKubre remarked that Rossi presence in the room during the test "weakens" the claim. I don't think anyone would argue with that.
Melich followed with a shorter discussion, without viewgraphs. He was more circumspect because some of the work he based his discussion has not been published yet so he cannot reveal full details. He is confident that it will be published. He agreed that Rossi's results are still somewhat "fuzzy" but warned people not to judge a project by a one-off test on one day, especially a test with 50 impatient people in the room. That is bound to be somewhat chaotic.
Levi remarked somewhere that he felt confident in the machine after the Dec. 16 test [Test 1] and also when he saw it run with no input, in heat after death. Levi's judgement does not rest entirely on the Jan. 14 demonstration [Test 2]. People such as Melich and Levi, who know the most about this machine, seem to have the highest confidence that it is real. That is a good sign.
- Jed
Celani博士のRossiデモへのコメント in ICCF-16
[Vo]:A few comments by Celani about the demonstration
Jed Rothwell
Sun, 06 Feb 2011 02:37:36 -0800
I spoke with Celani about the Rossi demonstration. He attended the demo, as you see in the video. He will describe it formally but I asked for an informal sense of it, and whether he found it "convincing." He said a few things which I describe here along with some of my comments:
The demonstration and presentation were somewhat chaotic, with many people asking questions and a spirited discussion underway (as you see in the video even if you do not speak Italian). It was hard to concentrate on the actual test that was underway. [My comment: that's not anyone's fault. You cannot do a definitive test in front of 50 physicists, nor should you try.]
They had difficulty starting up the reaction.
Celani was personally disappointed and I think upset that they prevented him from using the particle detector he brought along. He said, "what is the point of calling in scientists if you don't let them do independent testing."
He said the vapor regime is complicated and difficult to judge. I pointed out that with the power input the water should only be 20 deg C warmer, so even if there was wet steam that is still evidence of considerable excess heat. He agreed. He said the ability to generate steam means the temperature is high which is very important from a technological point of view. But for a demonstration of this nature it would be easier to evaluate the result if they would increase the flow rate and keep the water temperature below 90 deg C. The calorimetry becomes much more complicated above that temperature.
[My comment: good point, and that is what they plan to do with the 1 MW reactor test.]
I wouldn't say Celani considers that a reason to doubt so much as a reason to say the results may be a large approximation. You need to know more before you can conclude it was 4 kW excess or 12 kW excess. [True. I am not qualified to determine if steam is wet or dry, but I think a reasonable default position is to assume that Dr. Galantini knows what he is doing, and he picked the right instrument. If it turns out he does not know what he is doing, I have committed a Fallacious Appeal to Authority, and the excess is much lower than 12 kW, but still significant.]
He said he did not look at the end of the hose in the sink in the bathroom, but he did note that it was making a lot of noise from steam. I think any noise rules out the "diverted water stream" hypothesis. It is a distinct noise, after all, and a flow of 0.3 L per minute of warm water makes no noise at all at the end of the hose.
We will know a lot more tomorrow, but took the opportunity to ask him a few questions about issues that have been discussed here.
Regarding the academic caution expressed by Levi, David Nagel, and now Celani in his conversation with me, let me put myself in their positions. I know how to speak academese even though I am not a member of that tribe. I might tell a reporter "it is not fully convincing." I would have some specifics in mind:
* They have not proved beyond any conceivable doubt that it is far beyond the limits of chemistry.
* They have not allowed independent experts to look at the transmuted copper.
* They have not allowed many independent tests yet.
* There are still a few plausible hypotheses floating around about how it might be faked. I do not take them seriously, but any plausible hypothesis deserves to be tested. It would be unreasonable to test every silly notion that pops into the minds of pathological skeptics, such as the idea that hundreds of rats drank the water in Mizuno's heat-after-death event, or the notion that Rossi has invisible hidden wires or chemical fuel in the cell.
You have to draw the line at plausible, grown-up hypotheses.
Those are not complaints. Rossi, Levi and the others did a lot. They are doing more. All in good time these others steps can be done, and I think they will be done. But it would be wise to reserve a small slice of doubt until then. Why should we jump to the conclusion this is real? I can't see any benefit to that. I would not jump to the opposite conclusion that it can't be real, so it must be fraud. There is no harm in saying: "It looks good so far, and I cannot think of any reason to doubt it, but let's go through a series of steps that will confirm it beyond any doubt."
- Jed
[Vo]:A few comments by Celani about the demonstration
Jed Rothwell
Sun, 06 Feb 2011 02:37:36 -0800
I spoke with Celani about the Rossi demonstration. He attended the demo, as you see in the video. He will describe it formally but I asked for an informal sense of it, and whether he found it "convincing." He said a few things which I describe here along with some of my comments:
The demonstration and presentation were somewhat chaotic, with many people asking questions and a spirited discussion underway (as you see in the video even if you do not speak Italian). It was hard to concentrate on the actual test that was underway. [My comment: that's not anyone's fault. You cannot do a definitive test in front of 50 physicists, nor should you try.]
They had difficulty starting up the reaction.
Celani was personally disappointed and I think upset that they prevented him from using the particle detector he brought along. He said, "what is the point of calling in scientists if you don't let them do independent testing."
He said the vapor regime is complicated and difficult to judge. I pointed out that with the power input the water should only be 20 deg C warmer, so even if there was wet steam that is still evidence of considerable excess heat. He agreed. He said the ability to generate steam means the temperature is high which is very important from a technological point of view. But for a demonstration of this nature it would be easier to evaluate the result if they would increase the flow rate and keep the water temperature below 90 deg C. The calorimetry becomes much more complicated above that temperature.
[My comment: good point, and that is what they plan to do with the 1 MW reactor test.]
I wouldn't say Celani considers that a reason to doubt so much as a reason to say the results may be a large approximation. You need to know more before you can conclude it was 4 kW excess or 12 kW excess. [True. I am not qualified to determine if steam is wet or dry, but I think a reasonable default position is to assume that Dr. Galantini knows what he is doing, and he picked the right instrument. If it turns out he does not know what he is doing, I have committed a Fallacious Appeal to Authority, and the excess is much lower than 12 kW, but still significant.]
He said he did not look at the end of the hose in the sink in the bathroom, but he did note that it was making a lot of noise from steam. I think any noise rules out the "diverted water stream" hypothesis. It is a distinct noise, after all, and a flow of 0.3 L per minute of warm water makes no noise at all at the end of the hose.
We will know a lot more tomorrow, but took the opportunity to ask him a few questions about issues that have been discussed here.
Regarding the academic caution expressed by Levi, David Nagel, and now Celani in his conversation with me, let me put myself in their positions. I know how to speak academese even though I am not a member of that tribe. I might tell a reporter "it is not fully convincing." I would have some specifics in mind:
* They have not proved beyond any conceivable doubt that it is far beyond the limits of chemistry.
* They have not allowed independent experts to look at the transmuted copper.
* They have not allowed many independent tests yet.
* There are still a few plausible hypotheses floating around about how it might be faked. I do not take them seriously, but any plausible hypothesis deserves to be tested. It would be unreasonable to test every silly notion that pops into the minds of pathological skeptics, such as the idea that hundreds of rats drank the water in Mizuno's heat-after-death event, or the notion that Rossi has invisible hidden wires or chemical fuel in the cell.
You have to draw the line at plausible, grown-up hypotheses.
Those are not complaints. Rossi, Levi and the others did a lot. They are doing more. All in good time these others steps can be done, and I think they will be done. But it would be wise to reserve a small slice of doubt until then. Why should we jump to the conclusion this is real? I can't see any benefit to that. I would not jump to the opposite conclusion that it can't be real, so it must be fraud. There is no harm in saying: "It looks good so far, and I cannot think of any reason to doubt it, but let's go through a series of steps that will confirm it beyond any doubt."
- Jed
早速、詳しいレポートがCold Fusion Nowに出ていました。少ししか読めていませんが、常温核融合研究とトランジスタの最初の頃の状況が似ているとの指摘は面白いです。

早速、詳しいレポートがCold Fusion Nowに出ていました。少ししか読めていませんが、常温核融合研究とトランジスタの最初の頃の状況が似ているとの指摘は面白いです。
Defkalion Green Technologies社、ギリシャのTVに登場
Rossi Energy Catalyzer & Defkalion on Greek TV!
Jedさんによると、Rossi核反応炉を製造するというDefkalion Green Technologies社の人がテレビに登場して語ったようです。この件は以下のブログのエントリで取り上げられています。
Saturday, February 5, 2011
defkalion green tecnologies confirmed!
[Vo]:Rossi funders on Greek national TV
Jed Rothwell
Sat, 05 Feb 2011 19:13:10 -0800
People from Defkalion Green Technologies were on national television in Greece. See:
The other company is definitely:
Rossi graciously apologized for the confusion about the names and the 1-week wild-goose chase several people engaged in trying to track down the information. I apologized to him for the harsh tone of my message.
(I am sorry for the tone but I am glad I went public and made a big deal about it. I and several others asked Rossi and others about the company, and they kept telling us it is Defkalion Energy. If I had not raised a fuss the mass media would have reported that company has never heard of him, and the company in Florida is defunct. They were about to report that.)
- Jed
Rossi Energy Catalyzer & Defkalion on Greek TV!
Jedさんによると、Rossi核反応炉を製造するというDefkalion Green Technologies社の人がテレビに登場して語ったようです。この件は以下のブログのエントリで取り上げられています。
Saturday, February 5, 2011
defkalion green tecnologies confirmed!
[Vo]:Rossi funders on Greek national TV
Jed Rothwell
Sat, 05 Feb 2011 19:13:10 -0800
People from Defkalion Green Technologies were on national television in Greece. See:
The other company is definitely:
Rossi graciously apologized for the confusion about the names and the 1-week wild-goose chase several people engaged in trying to track down the information. I apologized to him for the harsh tone of my message.
(I am sorry for the tone but I am glad I went public and made a big deal about it. I and several others asked Rossi and others about the company, and they kept telling us it is Defkalion Energy. If I had not raised a fuss the mass media would have reported that company has never heard of him, and the company in Florida is defunct. They were about to report that.)
- Jed
Rossi氏はどうも「変わり者」なのかもしれません。Jed氏が色々と問い合わせたら、ギリシャに設立されたRossi核反応炉を販売する会社の正式名称は「DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES」社である事が分かりました。
「Focardi氏とRossi氏の常温核融合公開実験(4)」で紹介したMarianne Macyさんのレポートには、「Defkalion Energy」社と載っていたのですが、これは違っていたようです。通常、記者発表に出す会社名は絶対に間違えないようにすると思いますが、Rossi氏が変わっているのは、こういった間違いに無頓着なところです。
[Vo]:Rossi corrects website and company name
Jed Rothwell
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 17:46:42 -0800
Rossi confirmed this is the correct website for the U.S. company that will
manufacture the devices:
This is in Bedford, NH. I gather they are manufacturing in Florida. Maybe. I have heard from other people connected to the Leonardo Co. and . . . ummm .
. . Let me just say there is some confusion and some conflicting reports about who or what is doing what to or with whom. (Like an orgy in the neighbor's house seen through binoculars.)
Rossi gave the corrected name for the company in Greece as "DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES."
It is a good thing I got that out of him, because I expect a major newspaper was about to publish an expose saying that Defkalion Energy in Athens Greece has never heard of him. They will try to contact Defkalion Green Technologies tomorrow.
If this were not a serious matter it would be hilarious.
- Jed
DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES社のウェブサイトは以下ではないかと思います。まだ全面構築中のようですが。
「Focardi氏とRossi氏の常温核融合公開実験(4)」で紹介したMarianne Macyさんのレポートには、「Defkalion Energy」社と載っていたのですが、これは違っていたようです。通常、記者発表に出す会社名は絶対に間違えないようにすると思いますが、Rossi氏が変わっているのは、こういった間違いに無頓着なところです。
[Vo]:Rossi corrects website and company name
Jed Rothwell
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 17:46:42 -0800
Rossi confirmed this is the correct website for the U.S. company that will
manufacture the devices:
This is in Bedford, NH. I gather they are manufacturing in Florida. Maybe. I have heard from other people connected to the Leonardo Co. and . . . ummm .
. . Let me just say there is some confusion and some conflicting reports about who or what is doing what to or with whom. (Like an orgy in the neighbor's house seen through binoculars.)
Rossi gave the corrected name for the company in Greece as "DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES."
It is a good thing I got that out of him, because I expect a major newspaper was about to publish an expose saying that Defkalion Energy in Athens Greece has never heard of him. They will try to contact Defkalion Green Technologies tomorrow.
If this were not a serious matter it would be hilarious.
- Jed
DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES社のウェブサイトは以下ではないかと思います。まだ全面構築中のようですが。
[Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section
Jed Rothwell
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:56:23 -0800
>From a PDF file just received:
09.30 Inaugural Session : Welcome Speeches
Keynote Address : Prof.Robert Duncan
Inaugural Address : Mr. S. Banerjee, Chairman, AEC
10.45 Coffee Break
11.10 Session 1 Plenary Session
Chairman: Dr. Bikash Sinha
11.10 Ov 01 : M.McKubre :“What is needed in LENR/FPE studies”
11.30 Ov 03 : E.Storms
Ov 02 :
:“The Status of Cold Fusion”
:“What is Real about Cold Fusion and What Explanations are Plausible?”
12.00 Country summaries : Present Status of LENR (7 mins each)
E.Storms : USA
I.Goryachav : Russia
Bill Collis : Italy
Kitamura : Japan
12.30 F . C elani
: Brief Report on Rossi-Focardi 10 KW Demo
: Additional Remarks on Rossi-Focardi Experiment
13.00 LUNCH
[Vo]:ICCF16 Rossi section
Jed Rothwell
Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:56:23 -0800
>From a PDF file just received:
09.30 Inaugural Session : Welcome Speeches
Keynote Address : Prof.Robert Duncan
Inaugural Address : Mr. S. Banerjee, Chairman, AEC
10.45 Coffee Break
11.10 Session 1 Plenary Session
Chairman: Dr. Bikash Sinha
11.10 Ov 01 : M.McKubre :“What is needed in LENR/FPE studies”
11.30 Ov 03 : E.Storms
Ov 02 :
:“The Status of Cold Fusion”
:“What is Real about Cold Fusion and What Explanations are Plausible?”
12.00 Country summaries : Present Status of LENR (7 mins each)
E.Storms : USA
I.Goryachav : Russia
Bill Collis : Italy
Kitamura : Japan
12.30 F . C elani
: Brief Report on Rossi-Focardi 10 KW Demo
: Additional Remarks on Rossi-Focardi Experiment
13.00 LUNCH
スウェーデンのNyTeknikというWebサイトにMats Lewanという記者がRossi氏を取材した記事が掲載されています。
“Here in the factory in Miami, we have one hundred reactors like the one we showed in Bologna, almost ready. The problems now have to do with authorization, but I expect that the heating plant in Athens will be inaugurated in September or October 2011,” Rossi told Ny Teknik, calling from Miami, FL
「マイアミにあるこの工場には、既に100台の反応炉がほぼ出来上がっているんだ。ボローニャで見せたのと同じような反応炉だ。今の問題は許可を取らなければならない事なんだ。でも、アテネでこの発熱プラントは9月か10月には開設できると思う」とRossi氏はマイアミからの電話でNy Teknik誌に語った。
Rossi is the sole constructor of the unit. Only he and those working on building the reactors at the company Leonardo Corporation’s facilities in Miami, FL (Leonardo Corporation was founded by Rossi in 1997) know exactly how it is designed.
Rossi氏だけがこの装置を製造できる。彼とマイアミにあるLeonardo Corporation(レオナルド社)の工場で反応炉を作っている人達だけが、その正確な作り方を知っている(レオナルド社はRossi氏によって1997年に設立された)。
The energy catalysts are manufactured at Leonardo Corporation’s factory in Miami. Additional production plants are, according to Rossi, being built in Greece.
One customer - a newly formed consortium of energy distributors - should exist in Greece, and two others in the United States. These customers will sell energy catalysts in Europe and the USA.
Andrea Rossi, founder and chief technology officer at Leonardo Corporation, gets a royalty on sales. Sergio Focardi has a commercial agreement with Rossi.
Andrea Rossi氏は、レオナルド社の創立者兼CTOであり、その売上からロイヤリティ収入を得る。Sergio Focardi氏はRossi氏と契約を結んでいる。
“Here in the factory in Miami, we have one hundred reactors like the one we showed in Bologna, almost ready. The problems now have to do with authorization, but I expect that the heating plant in Athens will be inaugurated in September or October 2011,” Rossi told Ny Teknik, calling from Miami, FL
「マイアミにあるこの工場には、既に100台の反応炉がほぼ出来上がっているんだ。ボローニャで見せたのと同じような反応炉だ。今の問題は許可を取らなければならない事なんだ。でも、アテネでこの発熱プラントは9月か10月には開設できると思う」とRossi氏はマイアミからの電話でNy Teknik誌に語った。
Rossi is the sole constructor of the unit. Only he and those working on building the reactors at the company Leonardo Corporation’s facilities in Miami, FL (Leonardo Corporation was founded by Rossi in 1997) know exactly how it is designed.
Rossi氏だけがこの装置を製造できる。彼とマイアミにあるLeonardo Corporation(レオナルド社)の工場で反応炉を作っている人達だけが、その正確な作り方を知っている(レオナルド社はRossi氏によって1997年に設立された)。
The energy catalysts are manufactured at Leonardo Corporation’s factory in Miami. Additional production plants are, according to Rossi, being built in Greece.
One customer - a newly formed consortium of energy distributors - should exist in Greece, and two others in the United States. These customers will sell energy catalysts in Europe and the USA.
Andrea Rossi, founder and chief technology officer at Leonardo Corporation, gets a royalty on sales. Sergio Focardi has a commercial agreement with Rossi.
Andrea Rossi氏は、レオナルド社の創立者兼CTOであり、その売上からロイヤリティ収入を得る。Sergio Focardi氏はRossi氏と契約を結んでいる。
ところが、Rossi氏からは「次に公開するのは 1MWのプラントになります」との回答で、断られています。ここで、Rossi氏がユーモアをこめて以下のような面白い式を書いています。
[Vo]:Rossi again rejects putting demo units in other labs
Jed Rothwell
Sun, 30 Jan 2011 08:36:16 -0800
>From the blog:
Jed Rothwell
January 29th, 2011 at 3:28 PM
You wrote: “We will continue the reseach with the University of Bologna to
deepen the knowledge under a theoretical point of view.”
I hope that Celani and others from the ENEA will also take part in these
There are many good theoreticians at Cambridge U. and in the U.S. as well.
If you distribute some other units to other universities, they may discover
something that the people at U. Bologna overlook.
I am sure there is much to be learned, and it will be necessary for
thousands of scientists worldwide to test these devices to find out all
about them. A small number of people at one university will not be enough.
There are thousands of people world-wide researching combustion (fire) even
though it is well understood and people have been using it for thousands of
Until you get a patent you will have to have researchers sign non-disclosure
agreements (NDA). That should not be a problem.
I know many people who would be happy to pay for the additional
demonstration units, and any other costs associated with them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Andrea Rossi
January 30th, 2011 at 11:02 AM
Dear Jed,
As I already said, my next public appearence will be to introduce the 1 MW
plant, because:
C = 1/D^2
C = moles of chattering
D= Dimensions of the reactors
Warm regards,
A = Andrea
R = Rossi
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, he has a sense of humor anyway. "Wherein: A = Andrea R = Rossi"
ところが、Rossi氏からは「次に公開するのは 1MWのプラントになります」との回答で、断られています。ここで、Rossi氏がユーモアをこめて以下のような面白い式を書いています。
C = 1/D^2
C = moles of chattering
D= Dimensions of the reactors
[Vo]:Rossi again rejects putting demo units in other labs
Jed Rothwell
Sun, 30 Jan 2011 08:36:16 -0800
>From the blog:
Jed Rothwell
January 29th, 2011 at 3:28 PM
You wrote: “We will continue the reseach with the University of Bologna to
deepen the knowledge under a theoretical point of view.”
I hope that Celani and others from the ENEA will also take part in these
There are many good theoreticians at Cambridge U. and in the U.S. as well.
If you distribute some other units to other universities, they may discover
something that the people at U. Bologna overlook.
I am sure there is much to be learned, and it will be necessary for
thousands of scientists worldwide to test these devices to find out all
about them. A small number of people at one university will not be enough.
There are thousands of people world-wide researching combustion (fire) even
though it is well understood and people have been using it for thousands of
Until you get a patent you will have to have researchers sign non-disclosure
agreements (NDA). That should not be a problem.
I know many people who would be happy to pay for the additional
demonstration units, and any other costs associated with them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Andrea Rossi
January 30th, 2011 at 11:02 AM
Dear Jed,
As I already said, my next public appearence will be to introduce the 1 MW
plant, because:
C = 1/D^2
C = moles of chattering
D= Dimensions of the reactors
Warm regards,
A = Andrea
R = Rossi
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, he has a sense of humor anyway. "Wherein: A = Andrea R = Rossi"
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