少し古いニュースで恐縮ですが、9月末にFortuneのWebサイトにTom Darden氏のインタビュー記事が載りました。チェロキー投資組合を率いるトム・ダーデン氏は、E-Catの研究開発を進めるIndustrial Heat社を立ち上げ、投資しています。今回、Fortuneのような有名な一般紙に登場したのは、E-Cat技術の市場投入に向けて、徐々に露出を増やそうという意図なのかもしれません。たいへん興味深い記事だと思います。
Q: What changed your mind?
A: Scientists get locked into paradigms until the paradigm shifts. Then everyone happily shifts to the new truth and no one apologizes for being so stupid before. Low temperature fusion could be consistent with existing theories, we just don’t know how. It’s like when physicists say that according to the laws of aerodynamics bumblebees can’t fly but they do.
But let me make one thing very clear. We don’t know for sure yet whether it will be commercially feasible. We’ve invested more than $10 million so far in Rossi’s and other LENAR technology and we’ll spend substantially more than that before we know for certain because we want to crush all the tests. (Recently, we have been joined by Woodford Investment Management in the U.K., which has made a much larger investment into our international LENR activities—so we are well funded.)
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