Experiment-1 Chairman; Y. Iwamura (Mitsubishi H. I.)
13:10-13:45 JCF15-1 Kitamura et al. (Technova Inc., Kobe U.)Comparison of some Ni-based nano-composite samples with respect to excess heat evolution under exposure to hydrogen isotope gas
13:45-14:10 JCF15-2 H.Kudo et al. (Iwate U.)
Deuterium adsorption test using Pd-Ni and Pd-Ag multi-layered samples.
14:10-14:45 JCF15-3 T. Mizuno et al. (Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co.)
Analysis of Heat Generation using Pd and Ni Fine Wires
Theory-1 Chairman; S.Narita (Iwate U.)
15:00-15:35 JCF15-4 A. Takahashi (Technova Inc.)Background for Condensed Cluster Fusion
15:35-16:00 JCF15-5 K.Tsuchiya (NIT, Tokyo College)
Convergence Aspect of the Self-consistent Calculations for Quantum States of
Charged Bose Particles in Solids
Experiment-2 Chairman; T. Mizuno (Hydrogen Eng. A&D Co.)
10:00-10:25 JCF15-6 C. Nishimura et al. (National Institute for Materials Science)Deuterium and hydrogen permeation of Pd-Ag and V-Ni alloy membranes with multi-layered CaO/Pd
10:25-10:50 JCF15-7 Y. Iwamura et al. (Mitsubishi H. I.)
Increase of Transmutation Products by Electrochemical Deuterium Permeation through Nano-Structured Pd Multilayer Thin Film
Theory-2 Chairman; K.Tsuchiya (NIT, Tokyo College)
11:05-11:30 JCF15-8 H. MiuraComputer Simulation of Hydrogen Phonon States in Palladium Metal
11:30-12:05 JCF15-9 A. Takahashi (Technova Inc.)
Is Gamma-Less Transmutation Possible? -The Case of Metal plus TSC and BOLEP-
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