発明者としては Viktor Kurashov 氏と Tamara Sakhno 氏の名前が挙がり、責任者として Vladislav Karabanov 氏の名前が挙がっています。
Since early 90’s we have started to develop the technology of chemical elements transmutation. The first results we obtained dated 1998. The main work and the researches, hundreds of successful experiments was conducted in summer and autumn 2013. Our further efforts was targeted to patent this work, and for obvious reasons we haven’t published our results before the patent came out. The patent priority was received on 15 of may 2014, and the patent itself came out on 25 of august 2015.
For example, Russian Federation sell 9 grams of polonium-210 a year to the United States. It seems like this is a most part of produced polonium from Russian nuclear reactors, or at least what we know from press. While we in half liter flask, in results of experiments, had polonium in grams, that means we had 30% of what Russian nuclear industry produces yearly on the table. We also obtain other isotopes of polonium -209, and 210. These are much more valuable and expensive isotopes, because they have much longer half-life period.次の文では元素変換の具体的な事例が出てきます。数100グラムのウラン鉱石には300mgほどのウラニウム238が含まれているが、そこから200mgのアクチニウムを取り出せるそうです。
Now, for the understanding of the public, about the production output:会見の最後は以下のような言葉で結ばれています。スイスのofficial structuresにプロモーションしていきたいそうですが、ロシアでは幾つかの理由で難しいと書いてあって、なかなか意味深です。
We obtain 200 mg of actinium from 100 grams of ore containing 300 mg of uranium-238.
That is, about 66% of weight of natural uranium (or natural thorium) have turned to other valuable elements.
In any case, at the first stage, the resulting products of this invention will be in demand by the market. We also hope to find partners for the development and the consumers of our products.この中で言及されていた特許は以下からダウンロードできます。これも英語の抄訳が提供されています。
The technology will solve a lot of human and industrial problems in a few months.
In conclusion.
We hope to promote the Swiss official structures for the integration of the invention in Switzerland.
Unfortunately, in Russia for several reasons, which we do not want to touch, it is difficult.
We are also aware of the responsibility for ensuring that the technology was not included in unwanted hands.
All together it will be a very important contribution to world progress.
2.1. Materials and Methods実に興味深い実験結果が示されています(下表)。最初はウラン鉱石に含まれるウラニウム238や鉄、マンガン等が検出されていますが、1日たつごとに新しい放射性核種が検出されるようになっています。微生物による核変換で、新たな放射性物質が中間生成物としてこれほど明確に検出されたのは初めてのことかもしれません。
Raw materials containing radioactive elements were treated with water solution of Thiobacillus bacteria genus, Thiobacillus aquaesullis or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans species; or their mixture in any proportion. Bacteria of Thiobacillus genus (iron- and sulphur-oxidizing bacteria as well as thermophilic and others) contributed to redox processes of metals were used. Solution pH was controlled by sulphuric acid with a normality of 10N, during the process pH was maintained at 0,8-2,5. Temperature of the process was 28-32 degrees centigrade. Redox potential (Eh) of the solutions was 400-800mV. Stirring rate was 300 rpm. Solid to liquid phase ratio was 1:10 (100 g of
water per one litre of a solution). pH and Eh of a solution, chemical elements and isotopes concentration, as well as microorganisms’ vital activity were measured and traced every 24 hours (daily). Process duration was nine – twenty days. The following methods of water solution analysis were used: X-ray fluorescence method for elements’ content determination (apparatus types: CYP–02 «Renom FV»; S2 PICOFOX); atomic adsorption method; mass spectrometric method for isotope composition determination.
ちなみに、Vladislav Karabanov 氏にメールで問い合わせたのですが、残念ながらICCF20への出席予定は無いそうです。
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