

ロシアから常温核融合関連の新たな特許出願があったことが分かりました。出願者はBAZHUTOV, Yuriy Nikolaevich氏。発明者は、BAZHUTOV, Yuriy Nikolaevich; GERASIMOVA, Albina Ivanovna; KORETCKIY, Valeriy Petrovich; PARKHOMOV, Alexander Georgievich; の4氏となっています。ロッシ氏の追試で有名になったParkhomov博士も名を連ねています。



(EN)In a composite electrolytic cell having an aqueous electrolyte solution, an inner portion is made of a chemically stable electrically conductive material, and an outer portion is made of a heat-resistant dielectric material. When applying a voltage of over 300 volts and current greater than 1.0 amperes to an anode, a plasma discharge is produced, allowing for low-temperature cold nuclear transmutation nuclear reactions in a near-anode area of ​​the electrolyte, leading to intensive energy release and to the evaporation of electrolyte water, wherein an electrolyte pillar is maintained at a constant level and the function of a cathode is carried out by the inner portion of the electrolytic cell. A device is carried out in the form of an electrolytic vessel having a composite cylindrical housing which is provided with a lid, a level-meter and a dose-dispenser, and which is connected to an electric power supply, wherein an inner portion of the housing, which is made of a chemically-stable electrically-conductive material, carries out the function of a cathode, and an outer portion of the housing and the lid are made of a heat-resistant dielectric material having a thickness of more than 1cm, wherein an anode in the form of a rod having a diameter of 3-10mm and having a sharp end-fitting is installed in the lid, coaxially with the housing, and is submersed in the electrolyte to a depth equal to the diameter of the rod .

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