
E-Cat Xは直接電力を取り出せるとロッシ氏が発言

ロッシ氏が開発中のE-Cat次機種 "E-Cat X" については前々から「熱」ではなく「電力」を直接取り出せるような発言をしていました。今回、E-Cat Worldが取り上げたブログ上の応答では、E-Cat Xでは明確に電力を直接取り出しているとロッシ氏が述べています。以下に引用します(赤字は引用者による)。
James Watt December 26th, 2015 at 5:59 AM
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can you finally tell us if the E-Cat X is able to produce electricity directly? That would be a Christmas gift!
Happy New Year,
J. Watt
Andrea Rossi December 26th, 2015 at 8:30 AM
James Watt:
Here is the big new: yes, the E-Cat X produces directly electric power.
We are working to harness and make it work.
The E-Cat X is very, very promising, as I always said. But still: the results of the tests on course could turn out to be NEGATIVE.
Let’s work on it more and more, as it is necessary before chanting victory.
Happy New Year to you,


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