自分のための備忘録として簡単にメモしておきます。まず、以下の文中で、キャビテーションを起こすLeClair Effect reactorで、840 Wの入力に対して2.9 kWの出力となる過剰熱を検出したと述べています。しかも12回の実験で100%の再現性があったとの事。
In March, 2007 Mark LeClair built and tested the first cavitation reactor powered by the LeClair Effect, based on our patented technology. More research was done from 2007 to 2009 with a variety of other reactor designs that led to a series of key experiments performed from July – August, 2009 under a grant, titled: Utilization of Crystallized Cavitation Reentrant Jets for Zero Point Energy Production. The goal was to produce a next stage hot water heater reactor based on the LeClair Effect and was awarded by a potential investor focused on promoting cold fusion. Mark LeClair and Serge Lebid discovered that the scaled-up LeClair Effect reactor was triggering intense fusion, fission and large scale elemental transmutation using ordinary water. The 1.25” ID by 12” long reactor produced 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of input, a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4 times more energy out than in. The water temperature was raised an average of 18 degrees C (32 degrees F) average passing through the reactor with 28 degree C (50 degrees F) temperature spikes observed. A total of twelve experiments were performed, with 100% repeatability of the high levels seen in excess heat and transmutation in the various configurations.また、これに先立つ以下の部分で、水の中にO-H結合の繰り返しによる結晶構造(ファンデルワールス結晶?)があると述べられています。これが気になるのは、攪拌振動しながら(たぶんキャビテーションを起こしている?)水を電気分解して生成するオオマサガスでも、水分子のクラスター構造があるとする分析が出ており、同じ事を言っている可能性があると思ったからです。
The crystal has an equilateral triangular cylinder subunit that most commonly forms jet hexagon cross-sections. The crystal is a series of repeating O-H bonds along its axis and is bound by hydrogen bonds in the cross-sectional plane, a type of hybrid bonded crystal known as a van der Waals crystal.更に、以下の文章では、核変換が起こっているらしい証拠として、元素分析により34種類から78種類の(元には無かった)元素が検出されたと言っています。この分析に、Edmund Storms博士が絡んでいたのも驚きです(Edmund博士は常温核融合研究者として著名です)。
The large scale transmutation of elements was verified by three separate independent scanning electron microscope elemental analysis (SEM-EDAX) of the transmuted material, including University of Maine, Orono Laboratory for Surface Science & Technology (SEM-EDAX & XPS under contract), by courtesy of Media Sciences, located in Oakland, New Jersey and by courtesy of well-known Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) researcher and advocate Dr. Edmund Storms, formerly of Los Alamos in New Mexico. The University of Maine, Orono Chemistry Department also performed an analysis known as XPS that measured nucleus binding energy, confirming that the glassy coating seen covering much of the reactor cores was diamond. The SEM analyses collectively detected a total of 34 elements ranging from carbon to polonium. The same samples analyzed by SEM-EDAX and XPS were also analyzed with laser ablative inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) by Shiva Technologies (an operating unit of Evans Analytical Group) located in Syracuse, NY. The more sensitive LA-ICP-MS detected a total of 78 elements ranging from lithium to californium and 108 isotopes ranging from 7Li to 249Cf, a standard detection set that does not include all the possible isotopes, but including most of the stable isotopes and many short and long lived radioactive isotopes. Together, the five analyses showed that nearly every element in the periodic table was detected in every type of transmuted particle in different distributions, up to the limit of the LA-ICP-MS detection range, californium.
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