
Hydrobetatron.org オープン・ソースの常温核融合プロジェクト立ち上げ

またもイタリアからのニュースです。オープン・ソースの常温核融合プロジェクトが立ち上がりました。ピレリー工業高校で、水野忠彦博士が発案されたグロー放電を使った常温核融合実験が行われた事がありましたが、それを主導した教師のUgo Abundo氏とLuciano Saporito氏が立ち上げたようです。

以下は、この事を報じているE-Cat Worldに載った、Hydrobetatron立ち上げを知らせるメールの引用です(赤字は引用者による)。

Open Source Energy Project
Hydrobetatron.org is a website created by the will of Hugh Abundo and Luciano Saporito, just as support for this project, for willingness to work in ‘Under the new LENR science, commonly known by the name (even if improper) of “cold fusion”, with an Open Source philosophy. You can follow step by step all the work of development of the “hydrobetatron,” which will be held in the future, seeking to create a device, (the reactor), efficient and ingegnerizzabile by anyone with the necessary technical skills; in fact, all of the data, research, and construction plans will be in the public domain.
Purpose of the reactor and the production of economical energy, inexhaustible and clean, which we believe is vital to the well-being (and freedom) of man for the salvation of the planet Earth. We invite you to help the project hydrobetatron.org! With the economical energy, inexhaustible and clean, you will help yourself and also our planet!
These days we are building, with a group of founding member LENR researchers, the Association not for profit “OPEN Power”, it may enroll private supporters of the idea of sharing, researchers and other associations, public and private.
The purposes of the statute and the budget of the Association will be consulted on this website; the ultimate goal is to offer all such desirable success of research reached, a free alternative and free (for the exploitation of new energy) to the traditional route search-patent-industrial exploitation by competitors.

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