ピレリー工業高校の教師であるUgo Abundo氏が中心になって検証を進めているらしく、YouTubeには実験風景を記録した動画が公開されています。
このプロジェクトについて、Ugo Abundo氏は前々からカンファレンスを開催すると言っていたのですが、その日程がダニエル氏のブログに載っていました。
原文はイタリア語なので、Googleで英語に翻訳したものを以下に載せます(赤字は引用者による)。これによると、12月4日にローマで開かれるとのこと。常温核融合研究者として著名なFrancesco Celani博士やW-L理論で有名なAllan Widom博士のインタビューの放映もあるようで、高校だからといって決してレベルは低くないカンファレンスであるように見えます。また、ISPRAのような公的機関が公式に関わるようで、イタリアでの常温核融合の認知の広がりは本格的になってきたようです。
ROME , Tuesday, December 4 , from 9:00 to 13:30 at the ' IIS Leopoldo Pirelli of Rome conference in the New Energies School (organized in collaboration with the ' ISPRA .) is the event that the Engineer. Ugo Abundo had already announced last summer and which for now will only advance the lineup:
0. Introduction to the activities promoted by the Institute in the past (in particular, the solar system for the extraction of drinking water from the atmosphere built by the students of Pirelli and donated to a school in the Congo)
1. Welcome to the IIS Manager L. Pirelli
2. Greetings from the ministerial authorities
3. Presentation of the work plan
4. Reports and / or video interviews:
Emilio Del Giudice - the theoretical framework of LENR
Francesco Celani - the experimental framework
Antonella De Ninno - ENEA experience on the production of helium
Allan Widom - the theory of electronic cooperation
Yogendra Srivastava - experimental prospects for the best reaction conditions
Domenico Cirillo - evidence of neutron emission and transmutation
5. Dr. L. Magro (ISPRA) - hypothesis of selective measurements of tracers for LENR
6. presentation by pupils Pirelli, the activities of this school year
7. presentation of movies related to the documentation of the achieved overunity
8. association "All Rights", setting criteria for an environmental impact study (and man) of the new techniques of energy production
9. presentation of the results of the most recent experimental campaign
10. illustration of the operation LIVE in conference room (obviously with electric heating and not LENR) of equipment built from September to November in Pirelli for measuring energy yield of LENR
11. presentation of an analogy between artificial neural network and structure of the physical space in order to reach a quantum model of orientation for guiding the continuation of research
12. debut of the official website where follow the progress of the trial OPEN SOURCE
For now I'll stop here. I add only that there will be a nice surprise for readers of 22 steps of love and its surroundings.