[Vo]:Report on Rossi's visit to Boston
Jed Rothwell
Wed, 23 Nov 2011 13:32:28 -0800
Someone from Boston just called me to say that Rossi met with Peter Hagelstein at the state capital, and Rossi said exactly what he's been saying all along:
"No more tests. Let the customers decide. Etc."
Peter offered to do a pure black box tests but Rossi turned him down.
In other words it was a waste of time and an embarrassment. The state representative probably regrets he ever heard of the man.
Why did Rossi even go? What was he thinking?
He does at least make it clear that he cannot reveal anything about this because he has no patent. He does not actually say "I do not want widespread publicity because I have no patent -- I want to cash in while I can" but I am pretty sure that is what he is thinking. What else? He is between a rock and a hard place. On a different subject . . . Assuming Rossi actually did sell that one megawatt react to someone in the US, it is likely to be the US military. No other entity would think of operating a nuclear reactor of unknown etiology without a permit and without any UL certification.
Rossi's statement that there will be "no more testing" is ridiculous. Before he sells to ordinary customers there will have to be a ton of testing by UL and many safety agencies, as I have often pointed out. Defkalion understands this. They have often cited the need for thorough testing and approval before they can begin selling.
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