- 2013年2月25日 ナノ銀による除染効果と常温核融合との関係
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- 2013年5月26日 ナノ銀によるゴミ焼却灰の放射線低減実験
- 2014年1月21日 ナノ銀による放射線低減現象の研究報告が1月末の研究会で行われます
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- 2014年2月23日 ナノ銀による放射性セシウム汚染土壌の放射線低減現象の報告について
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- 2014年1月11日 謹賀新年:平野貞夫氏がナノ銀による放射性物質低減技術を語る
- 2014年6月14日 書籍紹介:ナノテクノロジー時代のグリーンなナノエネルギー
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- 2014年7月26日 東京都知事選でアピールされかかったナノ銀除染
Cold Fusion Now!に私が投稿した記事(英語)
- Nanoscale Ag may decrease radiation of Cesium 134 and 137 by LENR transmutation?
- Field work of Cesium decontamination by nano silver
- Decontamination of radioactive ashes by nano silver
Vortex-l メーリングリスト
- [Vo]:Reifenschweiler effect rediscovered in Japan Jed Rothwell Sun, 09 Jun 2013 10:08:29 -0700
Reifenschweiler, O., Cold Fusion and Decrease of Tritium Radioactivity, in LENR-CANR.org. 2003.
Cold Fusion and Decrease of Tritium Radioactivity
Otto Reifenschweiler
Retired from Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Current actress: Jan Sluytersweg 13, NL-5645 JA
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Reifenschweiler, O. Some Experiments on the Decrease of Radioactivity of Tritium Sorbed by Titanium. in 5th International Conference on Cold Fusion. 1995. Monte-Carlo, Monaco: IMRA Europe, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France.
Some Experiments on the Decrease of the Radioactivity of Tritium
Sorbed by Titanium
Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Reifenschweiler, O., Reduced radioactivity of tritium in small titanium particles. Phys. Lett. A, 1994. 184: p. 149.
Reduced radioactivity of tritium in small titanium particles
Otto Reifenschweiler 1,2
Work carried out at the Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Received 23 November 1993; accepted for publication 7 December 1993 Communicated by A. Lagendijk
Lewis Larsen氏のレポート
- 以下の資料にトリチウムの「accelerated decay」を示した論文があるとの指摘あり。
Overview of their experimental work and theory
Barmina et al. arXiv:1306.0830v1 explained by W-L theory
- In series of different experiments with laser irradiation (sometimes combined with electrolysis) of hydride-forming metallic targets immersed in D2O, Barmina et al. claim to have observed both production and so-called “accelerated decay” of Tritium
- If correct, their claimed detection of significant amounts of radioactive Tritium production is an extremely interesting experimental result because over the past 24 years, out of the hundreds of thousands of LENR experiments conducted, literally only a handful have ever claimed to observe Tritium as a measurable nuclear product
- In separate very recent publications (2012, 2013), Barmina et al. claim to have developed a theory which can explain all their experimental data; their theoretical approach includes ‘new nuclear physics’ and exotic concepts such as a so-called “in-shake-up” nuclear state that enables production of new bound di-/tri-neutron particles
- Presuming that their experimental data are shown to have been correctly measured and results are successfully repeated by other independent researchers, their reported data provides further confirmation of Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs in a type of laser-based LENR experimental system pioneered by Letts & Cravens (USA) ca. 2002 - 2003
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