前回の記事でリンクだけ張ったJed Rothwell氏の記事「Notes on ICCF15, part 1」から興味深い部分を引用させていただきます。以下、※を付けた文は私の感想です。
[Vo]:Notes on ICCF15, part 1
Jed Rothwell
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 06:45:43 -0700
■引用開始Many new and important results were presented. In contrast to recent conferences, there were no rehash presentations of research done long ago or results presented at earlier ICCF conferences, although many described progress or incremental improvements to work presented earlier. Both the audience and the presenters included many younger people, especially from the U.S. Navy, the ENEA and Japanese universities. By "younger" I mean people in their 30s and 40s, rather than retired professors in their 70s.■引用終了
■引用開始There appears to be lot of new funding for the research, perhaps a million dollars or more per year. That's a lot by the standards of cold fusion. There may be more effective funding now than there has been since 1990. I cannot judge whether the dollar amounts are greater, but the talent and instruments being brought to the subject are the best they have ever been, with people from the NRL and two or three U.S. universities with capabilities that rival long-time researchers at SRI and the ENEA.■引用終了
■引用開始(I have to be circumspect about some aspects of this report, such as describing which universities are doing what. They have not yet gone public. They do not want to alert people such as Robert Park who oppose cold fusion. Park and others like him try to derail funding and destroy the researchers' reputations by various methods such as publishing assertions in the mass media that the researchers are frauds, lunatics and criminals.)■引用終了
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