まず、ロッシ氏がE-cat装置をスエーデンのウプサラ大学(Uppsala University)と王立工科大学(The Royal Institute of Technology)に提供するニュースがありました。このニュースは、The E-cat Buss!というブログで取り上げられています。
Andrea Rossi■引用終了
April 16th, 2011 at 2:27 PM
Dear “HRG”:
You are perfectly right, I agree totally with your comment, as for concerns the incompatibility and the unacceptability of entities which work and get financing from Oil Companies, Nuclear Companies, Hot Fusion Research centers as “indipendent third parties”,as well as of competitors, who since years try to make useful LENR apparatuses and are not able to: they cannot present themselves or their consultants as “indipendent third parties”. This is why, after the tests we made with the University of Bologna and with Prof. Kullander and Prof Hanno from Sweden ( they are considered worldwide as scientists of the maximum level in the field) we will not make further tests. We will, of course, continue our R&D with the University of Bologna. We will give to the University of Uppsala and to the University of Stockolm our devices to allow them to use the same devices 24 hours per day, to get data regarding the energy production. We trust them, and we know they are really neutral, without binds with competitors of any kind. I personally knew them and I have in them total trust. The same is not for “indipendent parties” that have been proposed to me, regarding which I discovered they have got a bunch of millions to make research for the hot fusion (producing nothing so far), or “indipendent parties” made by consultants which are paid money by the shovels to sustain nuclear power plants, fossil fuels and the forth, or consultants of our competitors in the LENR field.
This is why we continue to repeat that the market, only the market will be the final judge: if our E-CATS WILL RESPECT THE GUARANTEES OF ENERGY PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY, WE WILL BE PAID. This is the sole validation that counts really, at the end.
Warm Regards,
By the way: in our factories there are reactors in operation 24 hours per day, just to test their safety reliability.
Warm regards,
また、以下のようなブログも立ち上がったようです。ここでは、MITの常温核融合研究者として有名なPeter Hagelstein博士がE-catの評価をしたいとラブコールを送ったという記事が取り上げられています。
1月の最初の公開実験をレポートとしてくれたイタリアのブログも記事を掲載しています。ロッシ氏の共同研究者であるSergio Focardi博士がラジオのインタビューを受けた時の模様が詳しく紹介されています。
Twitterでも"E-cat"や"Cold Fusion"の用語を使ったツイートが増えているように感じます。今後の動きが楽しみです。早く日本の学術界・産業界も、この価値に気がついて投資を開始して欲しいと願っています。何か行動しないといけませんね。
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