Green Nanoenergy Resources in the Age of Nanoscience Technologies: Green Nanoenergy Visions [Kindle版]という本で日本のAmazonで817円で売られています。残念ながら英語です(笑)。Kindleの普及でこういうマイナー?な洋書が日本でもその場で買えるようになったのは、素晴らしい変化ですね。
Jamal SHRAIR」という人で、Amazon上に表示されているのは別の人です(編集者?)。研究者は
ここ で類似の論文を読めるのかもしれません。同じ著者のヘリカル・ユニバースという本については立派な
9- New visions for handling nuclear waste (Accelerating radioactive decay)
Part one: Overview and introduction of important fields in nanoscience technologies:
1- Nanomedicine
2- DNA motor
3- Nanoscience technologies will bring a new era of space exploration and space economic benefits to mankind
Part two: Application of Nanoscience Technologies in the Energy Industry:
1- The Global Energy Situation
2- Fossil fuels that can be enhanced through the use of nanotechnology
Geothermal energy, Natural gas, Methane hydrates, Coal and Carbon Sequestration
3- Nanotechnology Benefits for Developing Efficient and Cost-EffectiveSolar Power
4- Realization of the space energy dream
5- The Future of Nuclear Energy with the Application of Nanotechnology
6- Direct conversion of nuclear energy into electricity with new nanostructured materials
7- Small Scale Reactors
8- Small Size Thorium-fuelled ADS reactors
9- New visions for handling nuclear waste (Accelerating radioactive decay)10- Nuclear Fusion
11- The History and Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
12- New Concepts and Approaches Generating Fusion reactions in Laboratory
13- Pyroelectric fusion
14- Sonofusion
15- Focus fusion
16- How focus fusion is supposed to work
17- Solid-State Nuclear Fusion
18- Evaluations of the Research Activities Of Solid-State Nuclear Fusion....etc