以下のようにE-Cat Worldに紹介されています。

Difficulty in Creating High-Temperature Nickel-Hydrogen Reactors
A.G. Parkhomovalexparh@mail.ru
Difficulties encountered by the creators of high-temperature nickel-hydrogen reactors are described, caused by produced energy instability, high temperature, pressure and aggressive media in the active zone.
The Parkhomov Reactor by Engineer's Eye Analysis, Hypothesis, Propositions
A.G. ZheleznyakBusiness Firm in energy savings field, igrok50@yandex.ru
The report attract attention to the non calorimetric confirm of reaction, and therefore the hypothesis about the conditions for creating the reaction threshold.
Proposed changes and additions to the design of the reactor in order to convert it from purely research to research the layout of low power operating unit with quick design modification.
Demonstration of Large Excess Heat in Ecological Plasma Electrolysis
Yu.N. Bazhutov 1, A.I.Gerasimova 1,2, P.V. Zakharov 1, V.P. Koretsky 1,G.S. Lyapin 1
1 Scientific Research Center of Engineering Physical Problems (SRCEPhP) “ERZION”, Moscow, erzion@mail.ru;
2 Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU),
SRCEPhP “ERZION”, geras-albina2009@yandex.ru
There are presented the variant of installations Fakel-D2ST series (Demonstration 2 Small Thermostat) for ecological demonstration of plasma electrolysis in public auditorium.
Demonstration of large excess heat, using evaporation calorimetry, was performed by comparison water evaporation of installations Fakel-D2ST & standard termoelectroheater (TEH) at equal power. For nuclear control “Sosna” β-dosimeters, neutron and gammaradiometers were used. There are obviously shown more then 3 time excess heat generation in Fakel-D2ST installations.Long-term tests of the nickel-hydrogen reactor with flow calorimeter
A.G. Parkhomovalexparh@mail.ru
Nickel-hydrogen reactor continuously worked for about a month with excess heat of 70
W (heat excess above consumption of electricity was 15-20%). Heat measurement with an
error of about 2% was carried out by water flow calorimeter similar to the StepanovMalakhov device.
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