Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4106
Author: H. Aizawa, K. Mita, D. Mizukami, H. Uno and H. Yamada
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Detecting Energetic Charged Particle in D2O and H2O Electrolysis Using a Simple Arrangement of Cathode and CR-39
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Detecting Energetic Charged Particle in D2O and H2O Electrolysis Using a Simple Arrangement of Cathode and CR-39
Keywords: Charged particle, CR-39
Abstract: Electrolysis of D2O and H2O solutions is carried out under several DC current patterns using a Ni film cathode. A CR-39 track detector is set in close contact with the cathode to detect an energetic charged particle. An impressive increasing in number of etch pit is occasionally observed.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4076
Author: Y. Bazhutov, E. Belousova, V. P. Koretsky and A. Parkhomov
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Investigation of Radiation Effects at Loading Ni, Be and LaNi5 by Hydrogen
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Investigation of Radiation Effects at Loading Ni, Be and LaNi5 by Hydrogen
Keywords: gamma radiation.
Abstract: The installation permitting to investigate gamma, x-ray and neutron radiations emitted by metals loaded with protium-deuterium mixture at temperature up to 750°C and pressure up to 100 bars is created. It was discovered that LaNi5 powder, nickel and beryllium are radiated presumably X-rays and neutrons. Radiation emission occurs in the form of short bursts or series of bursts lasting up to several tens minutes.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4110
Author: Y. Bazhutov
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Erzion model interpretation of the experiments with hydrogen loading of various metals
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Erzion model interpretation of the experiments with hydrogen loading of various metals
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The short review of Cold Nuclear Transmutation investigation for 22 years after its discovery is presented. It is shown the main physical results of Rossi-Focardi and our experiment with the hydrogen loading of various metals. It is proposed the Erzion Model of Catalytic Nuclear Transmutation for theoretical explanation of the generation of excess heat, new chemical elements and isotopes, X-ray and neutron bursts radiation in these experiments.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4071
Author: J. P. Biberian, I. Parchamazad and M. Miles
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Possible Role of Oxides in the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Possible Role of Oxides in the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
Keywords: excess heat
Abstract: The mechanism of the Fleischmann-Pons effect is not yet fully understood. It appears that in many occasions an oxide layer, or an insulating one covers the surface of the active material. In this paper we list a number of experiments displaying such a situation, and suggest possible role of these layers.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4084
Author: J. P. Biberian
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Cold Fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Cold Fusion
Keywords: review
Abstract: This paper is a review of the work I have performed on the subject of Cold Fusion alone or in cooperation with other scientists. It covers a number of fields like solid-state electrolytes, electrolysis, gas diffusion. The experiments described below are the one having given positive results. However, many other attempts have failed.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4054
Author: F. Celani, E. Marano, A. Spallone, A. Nuvoli, E. Purchi, K. Nakamura, B. Ortenzi, S. Pella, E. Righi, G. Trenta, S. Bartalucci, G. Zangari, F. Micciulla and S. Bellucci
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Cu-Ni-Mn alloy wires, with improved submicrometric surfaces, used as LENR device by new transparent, dissipation-type, calorimeter
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Cu-Ni-Mn alloy wires, with improved submicrometric surfaces, used as LENR device by new transparent, dissipation-type, calorimeter
Keywords: excess heat, hydrogen, nickel
Abstract: Abstract -- Starting in February 2011, we studied the feasibility of new Nickel based alloys that are able to absorb proper amounts of Hydrogen (H2) and/or Deuterium (D2) and that have, in principle, some possibility to generate anomalous thermal effects at temperatures >100°C.
The interest in Ni comes in part because there is the possibility to use H2 instead of expensive D2. Reports by F. Piantelli (since 1992), G. Miley (about 1995), M. Patterson, F. Celani (since 2010) and, overall, claims by A. Rossi and (later on) by Defkalion Company, could be further investigated. Moreover, cross-comparison of results using Hydrogen instead of Deuterium can be made and could help the understanding of the phenomena involved (nuclear origin?) because use of such isotopes.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4091
Author: N. Cook and V. Dallacasa
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: LENR and Nuclear Structure Theory
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: LENR and Nuclear Structure Theory
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The significance of LENR research for understanding nuclear structure is discussed. In contrast to atomic-level Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), nuclear theory has remained a collection of mutually-exclusive "models" lacking a rigorous foundation. I argue that LENR indicates the way forward to a quantitative theory of nuclear structure, Quantum Nucleodynamics (QND).
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4087
Author: J. Dash and J. Solomon
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Effect of Recrystallization on Heat Output and Surface Composition of Ti and Pd Cathodes
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Effect of Recrystallization on Heat Output and Surface Composition of Ti and Pd Cathodes
Keywords: excess heat
Abstract: The microstructure of Pd and Ti foils was altered by cold rolling followed by heating at temperatures up to ~700°C. The surface topography and microchemical composition of these foils was studied before and after electrolysis with heavy water electrolyte. Temperature measurements during electrolysis showed that Ti and Pd cathodes which had been heated to ~700°C gave about 1W excess power relative to a control.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4075
Author: A. Didyk and R. Wisniewski
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Nuclear reactions in gaseous deuterium under high pressure and in saturated with deuterium palladium, induced by gamma-quanta
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Nuclear reactions in gaseous deuterium under high pressure and in saturated with deuterium palladium, induced by gamma-quanta
Keywords: gas loading
Abstract: A chamber filled with 3 kbar deuterium gas with a Pd sample were irradiated during 2.2·10E4 s by 8.8 MeV quanta. A unique novel object was synthesized. A strongly deformed Pd sample was observed. The chemical compositions of components are changed. Authors propose a model of chain fusion and fission reactions.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4118
Author: A. Didyk and R. Wisniewski
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Changes in the element compositions of Pd and Re specimens irradiated in dense deuterium by gamma-quanta with boundary energy 23 MeV
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Changes in the element compositions of Pd and Re specimens irradiated in dense deuterium by gamma-quanta with boundary energy 23 MeV
Keywords: gas loading
Abstract: The element compositions of palladium and rhenium specimens irradiated in dense gaseous deuterium by gamma-quanta with the threshold energy 23 MeV were studies. Strong anomalies are found in the structure and element composition of the irradiated Pd and Re specimens.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4083
Author: O. Dmitriyeva, R. Cantwell and M. Garret
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Using bakeout to eliminate heat from H/D exchange during hydrogen isotope loading of Pd impregnated alumina powder
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Using bakeout to eliminate heat from H/D exchange during hydrogen isotope loading of Pd impregnated alumina powder
Keywords: Pd, Gas loading
Abstract: Earlier studies have shown that a hydrogen-deuterium (H/D) exchange chemical reaction initiated in Pd-impregnated material can account for at least some of the excess heat observed during gas-loading experiments. We report on using in-situ material bakeout for an extended time to assess and eliminate the chemical heat contribution.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4089
Author: E. Esko
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Anomalous Metals in Electrified Vacuum
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Anomalous Metals in Electrified Vacuum
Keywords: Transmutation
Abstract: Independent analysis of Quantum Rabbit (QR) vacuum arc test samples from an experiment conducted on Sept. 27, 2011 revealed the anomalous appearance of potassium (K) and gold (Au). These anomalies appeared in a prior QR vacuum arc test and raise the possibility of low energy transmutation.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4116
Author: D. French
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Patents and Cold Fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Patents and Cold Fusion
Keywords: Commercialization
Abstract: Patents are available for any arrangement that exploits Cold Fusion. The arrangement must incorporate a feature which is new. Furthermore, the Patent Office may require proof that the procedures defined in the patent actually work. And the description must be sufficient to enable others to duplicate the invention.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4113
Author: V. Godbole
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Low-energy electroweak (EW) physics (in cavities) in lattices and fluids
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Low-energy electroweak (EW) physics (in cavities) in lattices and fluids
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: Unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces at low energy scales. Re-gauging in the lattice to produce attractive EW forces over lattice-constant distances. Periodic Bloch field replacing Higgs field.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4057
Author: R. Godes, R. George, F. L. Tanzella and M. C. H. McKubre
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Controlled Electron Capture and the Path toward Commercialization
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Controlled Electron Capture and the Path toward Commercialization
Keywords: Cold neutrons, Electrolysis, Electron Capture, Excess Heat
Abstract: We have run over 150 experiments using two different cell/calorimeter designs. Excess power has always been seen using Q pulses tuned to the resonance of palladium and nickel hydrides in pressurized vessels. Excess energies of up to 100% have been seen using this excitation method.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4058
Author: T. Grimshaw
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion (LENR) for Energy Production
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion (LENR) for Energy Production
Keywords: Commercialization
Abstract: Cold fusion (LENR) may soon be deployed as a major energy source. Despite its immense public welfare benefit, CF/LENR will likely have adverse secondary impacts that must be addressed through proactive public policy planning. Technology Assessment is a proven method of dealing with the impacts of emerging technologies like CF/LENR.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4094
Author: T. Grimshaw
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Evidence-Based Public Policy for Support of Cold Fusion (LENR) Development
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Evidence-Based Public Policy for Support of Cold Fusion (LENR) Development
Keywords: Commercialization
Abstract: Cold fusion (LENR) has enormous potential public welfare benefit. The level of public support for its development should be determined by evidence-based policymaking. The CF/LENR level of evidence mandates its support with other emerging energy technologies. The evidence may even indicate that a crash program is the most rational policy.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4079
Author: P. L. Hagelstein and I. Chaudhary
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: A Model for Collimated x-ray Emission in the Karabut Experiment
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: A Model for Collimated x-ray Emission in the Karabut Experiment
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: Collimated x-ray emission in the Karabut experiment is proposed to be a consequence of coherent energy exchange between highly-excited acoustic vibrational modes and the 1565 eV transition in 201Hg. A new model for nuclear excitation is presented which seems to be relevant to the experiments.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4103
Author: P. L. Hagelstein and I. Chaudhary
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Models for Excess Heat in PdD and NiH
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Models for Excess Heat in PdD and NiH
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: We make use of the new relativistic interaction between vibrations and internal nuclear degrees of freedom to generalize the donor and receiver model. Calculations show that candidate donor and receiver systems can be consistent with excess heat production in experiments.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4088
Author: T. Hioki, N. Sugimoto, T. Nishi, A. Itoh and T. Motohiro
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Isotope Effect for Heat Generation upon Pressurizing Nano-Pd/Silica Systems with Hydrogen Isotope Gases
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Isotope Effect for Heat Generation upon Pressurizing Nano-Pd/Silica Systems with Hydrogen Isotope Gases
Keywords: gas loading, heat
Abstract: Isotope effects for heat generation were clearly observed in a reproducible manner upon pressurizing nano-Pd/silica systems with hydrogen isotope gases. For Pd/zeolite, the isotope effect decreased with increasing cycle of pressurization and almost disappeared at several cycles, whereas the effect was observed up to 15 cycles or more for Pd/FSM.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4114
Author: H. Hora, G. H. Miley, M. A. Prelas, K. J. Kim and X. Yang
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Surface Effect for Gas Loading Micrograin Palladium for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions LENR
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Surface Effect for Gas Loading Micrograin Palladium for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions LENR
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: Generation of elements up to heaviest nuclei by LENR was measured in 1995 where the basic proof is seen from the appearance of the Maruhn-Greiner maximum similar to fission of uranium. From plasma-gas loading of deuterium in palladium the value of Coulomb screening of the deuterium in the host crystal was derived and later confirmed by Czerski Huke et al.. Following the DDdistance of 2 pm, results in deuteron clusters offering a hypothetical explanation of the Maruhn-Greiner mechanism for LENR while inverted Rydberg states led to similar 2 pm deuteron distances. The preference of surface mechanisms for LENR is indicated by the screening process within the swimming electron layer at the surface and may be recognized from the detailed measurement of ultra-high density clusters in surface defects compared with the earlier measured high density deuteron cluster in volume defects.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4093
Author: S. Jiang, X. Xu, L. Zhu, S. Gu, X. Ruan, M. He, B. Qui and X. Z. Li
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Neutron burst emissions from uranium deuteride and deuterium-loaded titanium
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Neutron burst emissions from uranium deuteride and deuterium-loaded titanium
Keywords: neutron
Abstract: This paper reports a new result of anomalous neutron emission, or called cascade neutron bust emission, from deuterium-loaded titanium and uranium deuterium samples at room temperature. The number of neutron in the large bursts was measured up to 2800 in less than 64-µs interval. After accidental artifact noise and cosmic-ray source are ruled out, we suggest that the anomalous cascade neutron bursts are correlated with deuterium-loaded metals and probably is the result of nuclear reaction occurring in the samples.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4053
Author: Y. E. Kim
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Conventional Nuclear Theory of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Metals: Alternative Approach to Clean Fusion Energy Generation
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Conventional Nuclear Theory of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Metals: Alternative Approach to Clean Fusion Energy Generation
Keywords: theory, transmutation
Abstract: Low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) in metals are described using conventional nuclear theory based on the optical theorem formulation. It can be applied to both deuteron and proton induced LENRs. Cryogenic ignition of deuteron fusion in metal particles is proposed as an alternative approach to clean fusion energy generation.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4070
Author: A. Kitamura, Y. Miyoshi, H. Sakoh, A. Taniike, Y. Furuyama, A. Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita, T. Murota and T. Tahara
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Recent progress in gas-phase hydrogen isotope absorption/adsorption experiments
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Recent progress in gas-phase hydrogen isotope absorption/adsorption experiments
Keywords: nano-particles
Abstract: To enhance reusability of the nanopowder samples for heat generation by gas-phase hydrogen isotope absorption, porous-silica-inclusion has been applied to Pd nanopowders (PSII) and Pd?Ni nanocomposite (PNS) samples. Absorption parameters repeatedly obtained in the repeated runs including repeated oxidization-hydridation cycles suggest interesting role of admixed minority atoms in the nanoparticles.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4055
Author: A. Kleehaus and C. Eisner
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Potential Economic Impact of LENR Technology in Energy Markets
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Potential Economic Impact of LENR Technology in Energy Markets
Keywords: commercialization
Abstract: There has been a huge discussion about the technology of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) devices. Some of the common assumptions about this technology discussed the projected major transformation of our present society in points of infrastructure, cost of power and power storage, but a clear economic impact simulation in a business plan systematic review matter with different parameters and scenarios is still missing.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4105
Author: D. Letts and P. L. Hagelstein
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Empirical Models for Excess Power in Dual Laser Experiments
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Empirical Models for Excess Power in Dual Laser Experiments
Keywords: Laser stimulation, excess heat
Abstract: This paper extends our previous work that produced an empirical model for maximum excess power as a function of beat frequency and specific optical phonon frequencies. We now propose an empirical model that includes temperature, magnetic field strength and cathode geometry. Close agreement with experimental data has been achieved.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4107
Author: E. Lewis
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: The Plasmoid Paradigm and Economics and Physics Periodicity
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: The Plasmoid Paradigm and Economics and Physics Periodicity
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The cold fusion field is a part of the plasmoid paradigm. Cratering and anomalous tracks evidence plasmoid activity. Physics paradigms change every 80 years or so. Why this happened is explained, and what researchers may expect both in terms of phenomena and future economic development is explained.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4080
Author: X. Z. Li, Z. M. Dong and C. L. Liang
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: "Excess Heat" in Ni-H Systems and Selective Resonant Tunneling
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: "Excess Heat" in Ni-H Systems and Selective Resonant Tunneling
Keywords: excess heat
Abstract: Selective resonant tunneling model is applied to Ni-H systems to explain the "excess heat" without strong neutron and gamma radiations. In combination with Bethe’s solar model of weak interaction, the reaction rate is estimated, and compared with experiments. An experimental test is further suggested.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4085
Author: B. Liu, Z. M. Dong, C. L. Liang and X. Z. Li
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Nuclear Transmutation on a Thin Pd Film in a Gas-Loading D/Pd System
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Nuclear Transmutation on a Thin Pd Film in a Gas-Loading D/Pd System
Keywords: Transmutation
Abstract: This paper discusses the SEM analysis results of palladium film surface after many times loading and unloading deuterium gas in system.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4074
Author: E. Lukosi, M. A. Prelas, J. Shim, H. Kasiwattanawut, C. Weaver, C. Mathai and S. Gangopadhyay
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Diamond-based charged particle and neutron sensor for LENR experiments
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Diamond-based charged particle and neutron sensor for LENR experiments
Keywords: Charged particle
Abstract: There have been many reports on charged particle and neutron production in LENR experiments but as of yet they have not been correlated in time with excess heat generation. Diamond sensors with palladium electrodes can be utilized to address this need. First results using a diamond sensor is presented.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4068
Author: M. C. H. McKubre, J. Bao, F. L. Tanzella and P. L. Hagelstein
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Calorimetric Studies of the Destructive Stimulation of Palladium and Nickel Fine Wires
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Calorimetric Studies of the Destructive Stimulation of Palladium and Nickel Fine Wires
Keywords: deuterium, hydrogen, nickel, palladium
Abstract: An experimental program was designed and performed to test three aspects of CMNS studies. A fourth objective was added in the light of reports from Rossi regarding large scale heat release from the nickel - natural hydrogen system, that prompted re-evaluation of earlier work on this system performed by Piantelli, and later claims by Defkalion.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4081
Author: A. Meulenberg and A. Sinha
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: New Visions of Physics through the Microscope of Cold Fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: New Visions of Physics through the Microscope of Cold Fusion
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: Cold-Fusion (CF) Research is not hindered as much by what we do not know as it is by what we know too well. This paper identifies several standard physics models, which must be extended beyond present practice, and indicates condensed-matter nuclear science (CMNS) work in this direction.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4100
Author: A. Meulenberg
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Femto-Atoms and transmutation
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Femto-Atoms and transmutation
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The low-energy nuclear-reaction fusion process for a deep-electron orbit femto-hydrogen atom, H# , with an atomic nucleus yields new isotopes and femto-atoms. The multi-body interaction, strong near-field radiation from tightly bound electrons, and low input energies, make energetic particle emission less common than for normal fusion or neutron-activation processes.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4101
Author: A. Meulenberg and A. Sinha
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Deep-orbit-electron radiation emission in decay from 4H^*# to 4He
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Deep-orbit-electron radiation emission in decay from 4H^*# to 4He
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The process of nuclear energy transfer to the lattice involves near-field electromagnetic coupling of energy from energetic charged nuclei to deep-Dirac level electrons. From there, the energetic electrons near-field and far-field couple energy into adjacent Pd-bound electrons causing intense local ionization, but no energetic radiation beyond the multi-keV level.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4112
Author: A. Meulenberg and A. Sinha
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Deep-electron orbits in cold fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Deep-electron orbits in cold fusion
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The lochon models of cold fusion, among others, propose deep-energy electrons as necessary for low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR). Relativistic Schrodinger equations, e.g., the Klein-Gordon (K-G) and Dirac equations, have ‘irregular’ solutions that predict such levels at ~500 keV. The basis for such a level and its implications are presented.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4064
Author: M. Miles
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Co-Deposition of Palladium and other Transition Metals in H2O and D2O Solutions
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Co-Deposition of Palladium and other Transition Metals in H2O and D2O Solutions
Keywords: calorimetry heat, nickel
Abstract: The co-deposition of palladium, ruthenium, rhenium, nickel, and iridium were investigated in H2O and D2O ammonia systems (NH4Cl / NH3). Significant amounts of excess power were observed only in the deuterated Pd / D2O system. There was no excess power observed for the co-deposition of ruthenium, rhenium or nickel in any H2O or D2O experiment.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4092
Author: M. Miles
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Examples of Isoperibolic Calorimetry in the Cold Fusion Controversy
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Examples of Isoperibolic Calorimetry in the Cold Fusion Controversy
Keywords: Calorimeter, method
Abstract: The Dewar isoperibolic calorimetry developed by Fleischmann and Pons can achieve an accuracy of ±0.1 mW. This accuracy requires the use of seven power terms to adequately describe the rate of enthalpy flowing into and out of the calorimetric system. The isoperibolic calorimetry reported by Caltech, MIT, and Harwell neglected important power terms leading to large errors.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4060
Author: G. H. Miley, X. Yang, K.-J. Kim and H. Hora
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Use of D/H Clusters in LENR and Recent Results from Gas Loaded Nanoparticle-Type Clusters
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Use of D/H Clusters in LENR and Recent Results from Gas Loaded Nanoparticle-Type Clusters
Keywords: gas loading, nanoparticles
Abstract: Anomalous heat, attributed to Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs), is obtained by pressurizing metal alloy nanoparticles with deuterium gas. The reactions are enhanced by creation of ultra high density deuterium clusters in the nanoparticles. Experiments comparing various nanoparticles and plans for a proof-of-principle unit are presented.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4065
Author: T. Mizuno
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Theoretical Analysis of Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR) in Nanoparticles
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Theoretical Analysis of Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR) in Nanoparticles
Keywords: neutron, nanoparticles
Abstract: Many problems still exist in current reports of CANR. First of all, the phenomena continue to be difficult to reproduce; secondly, some data are difficult to evaluate because of possible measurement errors; thirdly, some of the reported data can be explained by other chemical and/or physical reactions; and, lastly, the mechanisms remain unknown. Many theories on the mechanisms of CANR that seem to have generated nuclear reactions in special metallic structures have been suggested. These are nuclear fusion reactions involving hydrogen isotopes in the metals. We consider the interaction of the localization of electrons and charged particles within Nanoparticles. Hydrogen isotopes are changed slightly with electrons near to nuclei, and calculation of the probability of tunneling increases dramatically. This change is strongly dependent on the potential between two hydrogen nuclei. As for the reactive probability due to the tunnel effect, if the barrier potential decreases 50%, the reaction probability increases by ten orders of magnitude.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4067
Author: P. A. Mosier-Boss
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: It’s not Low Energy -- But it is Nuclear
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: It’s not Low Energy -- But it is Nuclear
Keywords: neutron, cr-39
Abstract: In this communication, CR-39 track results obtained as a result of Pd/D co-deposition are discussed and criticisms of those results are addressed. Implications of the CR-39 results with reports of transmutation are explored.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4095
Author: K. Naitoh
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Quasi-stability theory: revealing various atomic breakups and cold fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Quasi-stability theory: revealing various atomic breakups and cold fusion
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The statistical fluid-dynamic theory, which synthetically reveals various particle masses for hadrons, quarks, leptons, atoms, biological molecules, liquid droplets of water, and living cells, also clarifies the particle masses generated by the cold fusion. This is possible because each flexible particle is commonly generated by breakup.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4096
Author: H. Numata
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Search for advanced simulation model of cascade vortices under beneath the electrode surface
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Search for advanced simulation model of cascade vortices under beneath the electrode surface
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: In the cold fusion experiment, there observed vortex patterns on a thick Pd electrode surface during long-term electrolysis in 0.1M LiOD. To understand the peculiar phenomenon, we have proposed N-cycle model, which composed of four sequential processes including the fusion (CF) reaction. In this study, a numerical simulation for the analysis of the vortex patterns was performed elucidate the relation between the vortex formation and Supposing that the hypothetical particles mass evolved to CF reaction energy, two numerical simulations motion of the hypothetical particles mass were performed: Cellular automata (CA) and discretization method. of both simulations have shown generation of a vortex cascade of vortices, which were identical to those obtained experimentally. However, there still exist differences between the experimental and theoretical patterns in and form. Then, it motivates us to build a sophisticated model. On the other hand, Miesch performed the numerical simulation of the convection structure in the solar convection zone, where appearance of vortex was deduced from the helioseismic data. The numerical simulation showed that the downflow was characterized by the helicity reversal near base of the convection zone. Reviewing the numerical calculation method and the restricted conditions inspired the important term of helicity change under conservation, relaxation and transportation across boundary.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4097
Author: H. Numata
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Numerical Simulation of Vortex and Cascade of Vortices Appeared under Beneath the Sub-surface Layer
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Numerical Simulation of Vortex and Cascade of Vortices Appeared under Beneath the Sub-surface Layer
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: In the cold fusion experiment, there observed vortex patterns on a thick Pd rod electrode surface during long-term electrolysis in 0.1M LiOD. To understand the peculiar phenomenon, we had proposed N-cycle model, which is composed of four sequential processes including the CF reaction. In this study, numerical simulation for the analysis of the vortex patterns was performed to elucidate the relation between the vortex formation and the CF reaction. Supposing that the hypothetical particles mass evolved due to the CF reaction energy, we performed the numerical simulation using discretization method for the analysis of 3D motion of the hypothetical particles mass. The experimental results showed that the ejected particles mass from one side to another in a given rectangular box (simulate the sub-surface layer) exhibited a helical trajectory as a function of magnetic field. The traces of the ejected particles mass on another side composed vortex pattern. There has been remained more accurate simulation to examine the structure of the layer and the influence of the magnetic field.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4104
Author: P. Orondo and P. L. Hagelstein
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Basic Physics Model for PdH Thermodynamics
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Basic Physics Model for PdH Thermodynamics
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: We have explored a new model that posits a weak binding between absorbed hydrogen atoms in PdH. We developed a model formulation and found that a reasonable fit to experimental entropy and enthalpy is possible. The model appears to provide a natural physical explanation of observed entropy dependence on loading.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4062
Author: S. Park and F. Gordon
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Cold Fusion -- From the Laboratory to the World
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Cold Fusion -- From the Laboratory to the World
Keywords: review
Abstract: The objective of ICCF-17 is to allow international groups of scientists to present their data to further the collective understanding of scientists working in the field and so that skeptical members of the mainstream scientific community, the media, and the public will see the evidence that “cold fusion†is real. Indeed, several groups are currently developing commercial products that produce energy using the “cold fusion†phenomena. Ultimately, the reality of cold fusion will be determined by the public acceptance of commercial devices. People and companies who continue to deny the existence of cold fusion will become irrelevant as the applications are placed into service.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4072
Author: M. A. Prelas and E. Lukosi
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Neutron Emission from Cryogenically Cooled Metals Under Thermal Shock
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Neutron Emission from Cryogenically Cooled Metals Under Thermal Shock
Keywords: neutron
Abstract: In 1991 intense neutron bursts were observed after temperature shocking titanium from LN2 to 100 C that were saturated with deuterium. Counts were time stamped and 2 million neutrons were counted in a five minute period. Rapid heating is suspected to produce a large pressure inside the crystalline lattice.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4056
Author: J. Rothwell
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: The Future May Be Better Than You Think
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: The Future May Be Better Than You Think
Keywords: Commercialization
Abstract: Cold fusion researchers are prone to be unduly pessimistic about the potential for cold fusion. They know too much; they are too close to the problem. They may also have unexamined assumptions. Researchers feel put-upon because of political opposition. The website log file proves there is a great deal of interest in this field. There is broad, untapped, latent support for it. The log shows that every week scientists and engineers download thousands of papers on cold fusion.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4086
Author: H. Sakoh, Y. Miyoshi, A. Taniike, Y. Furuyama, A. Kitamura, A. Takahashi, R. Seto, Y. Fujita, T. Murota and T. Tahara
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Hydrogen isotope absorption and heat release characteristics of a Ni-based sample
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Hydrogen isotope absorption and heat release characteristics of a Ni-based sample
Keywords: excess heat, nickel
Abstract: Recently, several researchers claimed excess heat from Ni-based alloy samples under application to gas-phase protium absorption experiments instead of expensive Pd-based nanocompounds. We have performed hydrogen isotope absorption runs using the Cu-Ni-ZrO2(CNZ) and Ni-ZrO2(NZ) nano-powders. We observed long-lasting temperature change corresponding to astonishingly large output energy of several hundred eV/atom-Ni.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4063
Author: M. Srinivasan
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Transmutations and Isotopic shifts in LENR Experiments: An Overview
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Transmutations and Isotopic shifts in LENR Experiments: An Overview
Keywords: Transmutation
Abstract: This overview presents a brief summary of observations of products of transmutation reactions which occur in a variety of LENR configurations wherein the “host metal†nuclei react with loaded deuterium or hydrogen, resulting in the formation of new stable elements or isotopes not present prior to an experimental run.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4115
Author: R. Stringham
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Sonofusion's Transient Dense BEC Clusters
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Sonofusion's Transient Dense BEC Clusters
Keywords: Sonofusion
Abstract: D2O cavitation produces z-pinch jets implanting a target lattice; a picosecond of a plasma charge separation produces electromagnetic pulses that squeeze deuteron clusters into nuclear BECs with a high critical temperature. This is the perfect environment for a measured DD++ fusion event. (D+ -- D+ ) separation is via electron image charge.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4061
Author: M. R. Swartz and P. L. Hagelstein
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2-PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Demonstration of Energy Gain from a Preloaded ZrO2-PdD Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Device at MIT
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4069
Author: M. R. Swartz, G. M. Verner and J. Tolleson
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2-PdNi-D Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Components
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Energy Gain From Preloaded ZrO2-PdNi-D Nanostructured CF/LANR Quantum Electronic Components
Keywords: excess heat
Abstract: Previously, we reported that such nanocomposite ZrO2-PdNiD LANR materials have been made into LANR/CF transistors which exhibit energy gain and simultaneous non-thermal near infrared emission. This is accompanied by complicated polarization/transconduction phenomena including an avalanche transconduction electrical breakdown, which has a critical role in excess heat generation. This paper presents a new generation of preloaded LANR (CF) activated nanocomposite ZrO2-PdNiD CF/LANR quantum electronic devices capable of energy gain. These devices dry, glued into electrically conductive, sealed, configurations. The core is ZrO2-(PdNiD) with additional D2 and H2. They are self-contained CF/LANR quantum electronic components containing ZrO2-PdNi-D LANR/CF nanostructured materials which generate significant excess heat from applied electric fields. They also feature two terminals and self-contained superior handling properties enabling portability and transportability. Most importantly, the activation of the desired LANR reactions is, for the first time, separated from the loading of the substrate. Although their development has required control of their breakdown states and the quenching tendencies of nanostructured materials, these ZrO2-PdNiD CF/LANR quantum electronic devices are potentially very useful because they are reproducible active nanostructured CF/LANR quantum electronic devices.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4111
Author: S. Szpak and F. Gordon
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Forcing the Pd/^1 H - ^1H2O System into a Nuclear Active State
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Forcing the Pd/^1 H - ^1H2O System into a Nuclear Active State
Keywords: electron capture, theory
Abstract: In cells employing cathodes prepared by the co-deposition process, the polarized Pd/D - D2O system becomes nuclear active when the concentration of deuterium, expressed as D/Pd atomic ratio, is equal to or greater than one. In contrast, to activate the polarized Pd/H-H2O system, action of an external magnetic field, modulation of cell current or both, are required. Evidence for the nuclear active state in the Pd/H - H2O system, namely deuterium production, particle emission and catastrophic thermal event, is presented. Extension of nuclear active state to the Pd/^1 H - ^1H2O system under the application of an external magnetic field and modulated cell current profile is discussed.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4108
Author: D. Szumski
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Nickel Transmutation and Excess Heat Model Using Reversible Thermodynamics
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Nickel Transmutation and Excess Heat Model Using Reversible Thermodynamics
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: This research develops the Least Action Nuclear Process (LANP) model of cold fusion, by assuming that the process is thermodynamically reversible. This requires: 1) one element of new physical theory, a far-from-equilibrium blackbody equation having a second temperature scale, and 2) a nuclear reaction selection method based in the Principle of Least Action. The model appears to predict nuclear transmutations observed in Miley’s nickel microspheres, without false positives, and provides a plausible explanation of loading and ignition processes, excess heat, no excess heat, and the absence of gamma radiation. The model shows how solar core temperatures can exist in a laboratory temperature device. The presentation is abstracted from a larger technical paper.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4073
Author: N. Takahashi, S. Kosaka, T. Hioki and T. Motohiro
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Detection of Pr in Cs ion-implanted Pd/CaO multilayer complexes with and without D2 gas permeation
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Detection of Pr in Cs ion-implanted Pd/CaO multilayer complexes with and without D2 gas permeation
Keywords: Transmutation
Abstract: The Iwamura-type nuclear transmutation, 133Cs --> 141Pr, with D2 permeation through Pd/CaO multilayer complex was examined. Using ICP-MS, the amounts of Pr were measured in the range 10E10 atoms/cm2. The amounts of Pr measured in D2 permeated samples were larger than those in non-D2 permeated samples.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4077
Author: A. Takahashi
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Physics of Cold Fusoin by TSC Theory
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Physics of Cold Fusoin by TSC Theory
Keywords: theory
Abstract: This paper gives explanation on the basic physics of cold fusion by the TSC (tetrahedral symmetric condensate) theory. Models of TSC formation conditions in condensed matter are first proposed. Secondly formulas for cold fusion rates per D(H)-cluster are explained with typical quantitative results. The 4D/TSC fusion and the 4H/TSC WS fusion are answers, respectively for the D (deuterium)- system and the H (protium)-system.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4090
Author: G. Tarasenko
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Geological aspect of cold fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Geological aspect of cold fusion
Keywords: geology
Abstract: The formation of planets associated with the "big bang". Dusty nebulae observed by astronomers in telescopes observatories around the world show their spiral structure, indicating the rotation. This rotation leads to dynamo effect and the accumulation of a huge electrical charge. During the electric discharge (Bang) spherical plasma formation of planets (stars) have a magnetic and gravitational fields due to the rotating plasma. It is processed and all the collected debris and formed the primary lithosphere (crust), which also constantly absorbed by a spiral rotation of the plasma, called subduction on Earth. . . .
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4102
Author: J. Tian, B. Shen, L. H. Jin, X. G. Zhao, X. Lu and H.-Y. Wang
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Excess Heat Triggered by Different Current in a D/Pd Gas-loading System
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Excess Heat Triggered by Different Current in a D/Pd Gas-loading System
Keywords: gas loading, heat
Abstract: In order to study the relationship between the triggering current, deuterium pressure and the excess heat, a series of experiments were made in a D/Pd gas-loading system. By comparing the system constants (k=?T/?P) in both nitrogen and deuterium atmosphere we found an optimum current (8A) and a deuterium pressure (9×104 Pa) in which the system could release a maximum excess power (more than 80W). The reproducibility was 16/16 and the excess energy released in the longest experiment was about 300MJ within 40 days, which was corresponding to 104 eV for each palladium atom. Analysis of the palladium surface with a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) revealed that some new surface topographical feature with concentrations of unexpected elements (such as Ag, Sn, Pb and Ca) appeared after the current triggering. The results implied that the excess heat might come from a nuclear transmutation.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4059
Author: T. van Houwelingen
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Is commercial low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) the real deal?
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Is commercial low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) the real deal?
Keywords: Commercialization
Abstract: This presentation attempts to analyze whether or not commercial LENR is real and when/if products are coming to market. This analysis is targeted at executive level decision and policy makers as well as persons new to the field or those seeking an update on the latest progress.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4082
Author: V. Vysotskii, M. Vysotskyy and S. Adamenko
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Application of Correlated States of Interacting Particles in Nonstationary and Periodical Modulated LENR Systems
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Application of Correlated States of Interacting Particles in Nonstationary and Periodical Modulated LENR Systems
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: In the report the universal mechanism of optimization of low energy nuclear reactions on the basis of coherent correlated states of interacting particles at different kinds of nonstationary periodical action to the system is considered. We have considered the peculiarities and investigated the efficiency of the creation of a correlated state under a periodic action on a harmonic oscillator. This method is shown to lead to rapid formation of a strongly correlated particle state that provides an almost complete clearing of the potential barrier even for a narrow range of oscillator frequency variations. Several successful low energy fusion experiments based on usage of correlated states of interacting particles are discussed.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4098
Author: V. Vysotskii
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: On the possibility of application of Widom-Larsen Theory for Analysis and Explanation of Rossi Experiments
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: On the possibility of application of Widom-Larsen Theory for Analysis and Explanation of Rossi Experiments
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: The effectiveness and possibility of application of Widom-Larsen (W-L) theory for explanation of Rossi experiments on stimulation of (p, Ni^A) low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) is analyzed. The carried out analysis has shown that W-L theory, which is connected with the inverse reaction of beta-decay in variable electric field of surface plasmon in metal hydride, is unsuitable for the description and explanation of Rossi experiments in metal hydrides.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4099
Author: V. Vysotskii, A. A. Kornilova, V. Chernysh, N. Gavrilova and A. Lotonov
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: Stimulated (B^11 p) LENR and Emission of Nuclear Particles in Hydroborates in the Region of Phase Transfer Point
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: Stimulated (B^11 p) LENR and Emission of Nuclear Particles in Hydroborates in the Region of Phase Transfer Point
Keywords: Theory
Abstract: In the work the peculiarities of proton (hydrogen) processes, taking place in a special class of crystals (in hydroborates), linked to the task of isolating and separating hydrogen and nuclear fusion with participation of hydrogen are considered. Preliminary results on observation of stimulated B^11 + p = He^4 + Delta E reaction in hydroborates are presented.
Reference Type: Conference Proceedings
Record Number: 4109
Author: X. F. Wang and Y. Arata
Year of Conference: 2012
Title: The Possibility of the Reuse of Nano-Pd Particles for Solid Fusion
Conference Name: 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion
Conference Location: Daejeon, Korea
Short Title: The Possibility of the Reuse of Nano-Pd Particles for Solid Fusion
Keywords: nano-particles
Abstract: According to the measuring results of our paper presented at ICCF15(2009), helium as an important evidence of solid-state fusion has been confirmed clearly by mass analyzer "QMS". It is well known that the D/Pd ratio larger than 0.88 is favorable to observe an excess heat during the loading of Palladium with deuterium. As for our nano-Pd particles, the D/Pd ratio was expected to reach to 200%~400%. However, after a solid fusion recycle, the produced helium remained inside Pd lattice. The residual helium is considered an awful impurity that restricts the absorption rate of deuterium in palladium, and then destroyed the solid fusion reaction. As the nano-Pd particle is expensive material, to realize the practical utility of solid fusion technology, the reuse of the nano-Pd particle is considered to be the most important thing. In this paper, the possible methods to solve the problem of the reuse of the nano-Pd particle are discussed.