2009/12/23 < 2010年、再びアメリカ化学会ACSで! >
2009年3月にアメリカ化学会(ACS)のシンポジウムで常温核融合が発表されるという快挙がありましたが、2010年3月のACSで再びCold Fusionがとり上げられる予定です。次のNew Energy TimesのHPに出ています。
March 1-26 2010: The Fourth International New Energy Technology Symposium will be held at the American Chemical Society in San Francisco, California, USA. For the fourth year in a row, the American Chemical Society, the largest scientific association in the world, has provided the opportunity for researchers studying low-energy nuclear reaction research to contribute to and participate in mainstream science.
Abstract submission is now open. Deadline is 19 October 2009. Please feel free to submit your abstract, 150 words or less (Environmental Division ENVR ? Symposium on New Energy Technology).■引用終了
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